

Fingerprint Identification SDK for accurate iOS device identification.

What's New



What’s new

  • Introduced a new packageNotAuthorized value to the APIErrorType enum. This error is thrown when an unauthorized app makes identification requests using a stolen API key. See Request filtering for mobile apps for more information.
  • Extended several public APIs (e.g. FingerprintResponse, IPLocation, etc) with memberwise initializers so that they can be easily stubbed for unit tests.



Minimum supported versions


Swift Platforms Discord server

Fingerprint Pro iOS

Second version of the official iOS/tvOS agent & SDK for accurate device identification. Created for the Fingerprint Pro identification API.

Quick Start


  • iOS 13 or higher (or tvOS 15 or higher)
  • Xcode 14.1 or higher

Installation Steps

  1. Add FingerprintPro as a dependency

    a) Use Swift Package Manager

    // Package.swift
    let package = Package(
        dependencies: [
            .package(url: "", from: "2.0.0")

    b) Use Cocoapods

    # Podfile
    pod 'FingerprintPro', '~> 2.0'
  2. Obtain a public API key from Fingerprint Dashboard

  3. Use the library to interface with our platform and get a visitorId

import FingerprintPro

// Creates Fingerprint Pro client for the global region
let client = FingerprintProFactory.getInstance("<your-api-key>")

do {
    let visitorId = try await client.getVisitorId()
} catch {
    // process error

Region and Domain Configuration

It is possible to manually select an endpoint from a predefined set of regions. The library uses the global region by default. The list of existing regions can be found in our developer documentation.

Besides selecting a region from the predefined set, it's possible to point the library to a custom endpoint that has the correct API interface with the .custom(domain:) enum value. The domain parameter represents the full URL of the endpoint. If the endpoint isn't a valid URL, the library throws a specific error during API calls.

Note: API keys are region-specific so make sure you have selected the correct region during initialization.

Selecting a Region

let region: Region = .ap
let configuration = Configuration(apiKey: <your-api-key>, region: region)

// Creates a client for the Asia/Pacific region
let client = FingerprintProFactory.getInstance(configuration)

// Uses the Asia/Pacific endpoint for API calls
let visitorId = try? await client.getVisitorId() 

Using Custom Endpoint Domain

let customDomain: Region = .custom(domain: "")
let configuration = Configuration(apiKey: <your-api-key>, region: customDomain)

// Creates client for the Asia/Pacific region
let client = FingerprintProFactory.getInstance(configuration)

// Uses to make an API call
let visitorId = try? await client.getVisitorId() 

Default and Extended Response Formats

The backend can return either a default or an extended response. Extended response contains more metadata that further explain the fingerprinting process. Both default and extended responses are captured in the FingerprintResponse object.

Using getVisitorIdResponse(_) with no parameters returns the default response unless extendedResponseFormat was set to true during library initialization.

let client = FingerprintProFactory.getInstance("<your-api-key>")

// returns default respones format
let extendedResult = try? await client.getVisitorIdResponse()

Default Response

Show Default Response
public struct FingerprintResponse {
    public let version: String
    public let requestId: String
    public let visitorId: String
    public let confidence: Float

Extended Result

Extended result contains extra information, namely the IP address and its geolocation. The extended result comes from the backend if the extendedResponseFormat flag is set on the Configuration object passed into the getInstance() factory method during client initialization.

let configuration = Configuration(apiKey: <your-api-key>, extendedResponseFormat: true)

let client = FingerprintProFactory.getInstance(configuration)

// returns extended response format
let extendedResult = try? await client.getVisitorIdResponse()

The extended format has the following fields.

Show Extended Response
public struct FingerprintResponse {
    public let version: String
    public let requestId: String
    public let visitorId: String
    public let confidence: Float
    public let ipAddress: String?
    public let ipLocation: IPLocation?
    public let firstSeenAt: SeenAt?
    public let lastSeenAt: SeenAt?
Show IP Location Structure
public struct IPLocation: Decodable {
    public let city: IPGeoInfo?
    public let country: IPGeoInfo?
    public let continent: IPGeoInfo?
    public let longitude: Float?
    public let latitude: Float?
    public let postalCode: String?
    public let timezone: String?
    public let accuracyRadius: UInt?
    public let subdivisions: [IPLocationSubdivision]?

public struct IPLocationSubdivision: Decodable {
    let isoCode: String
    let name: String

public struct IPGeoInfo: Decodable {
    let name: String
    let code: String?


The Metadata structure can be passed to any library request through a parameter. Metadata serve as an extension point for developers, allowing sending additional data to our backend. The metadata can be then used to filter and identify the requests.

Metadata consist of linkedId and tags. LinkedId is a string value that can uniquely identify the request among the rest. Tags is an arbitrary set of data (with the only limitation that the data has to be encodable into a JSON object) that are sent to the backend and passed into the webhook call.

The following example sets linkedId, tags and sends it to the backend within a request.

let client = FingerprintProFactory.getInstance("<your-api-key>")

var metadata = Metadata(linkedId: "unique-id")
metadata.setTag("purchase", forKey: "actionType")
metadata.setTag(10, forKey: "purchaseCount")

let visitorId = try? await client.getVisitorId(metadata) 


The library parses backend errors and introduces its own error enum called FPJSError.


  • Swift Tools 5.7.0
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  • None
Last updated: Sat Mar 01 2025 14:13:08 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)