The Graphics
package defines structures for graphically representing information, agnostic to the actual drawing API used.
The Graphics
package contains several modules:
The Graphics
package defines structures for graphically representing information, agnostic to the actual drawing API used.
The Graphics
package contains several modules:
{ "name": "Graphics", "path": "/usr/src/package", "targets": [ { "name": "SVGTests", "path": "Tests/SVGTests", "type": "test", "c99name": "SVGTests", "sources": [ "SVGTests.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", "target_dependencies": [ "SVG", "GraphicsTesting" ] }, { "name": "SVG", "path": "Sources/SVG", "type": "library", "c99name": "SVG", "sources": [ "Circle+SVG.swift", "Color+SVG.swift", "Double+SVG.swift", "Ellipse+SVG.swift", "Fill+SVGInitializable.swift", "Line+SVG.swift", "Path+SVG.swift", "PathElement+SVG.swift", "Point+SVG.swift", "Polygon+SVG.swift", "Polyline+SVG.swift", "Rectangle+SVG.swift", "SVG.Group.swift", "SVG.Parser.swift", "SVG.swift", "SVGInitializable.swift", "Stroke+SVGInitializable.swift", "StyledPath+SVGInitializable.swift", "StyledPath.Composite+SVG.swift", "Styling+SVGInitializable.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", "product_memberships": [ "SVG" ], "target_dependencies": [ "Rendering" ], "product_dependencies": [ "SWXMLHash" ] }, { "name": "RenderingTests", "path": "Tests/RenderingTests", "type": "test", "c99name": "RenderingTests", "sources": [ "ColorTests.swift", "CompositeTests.swift", "StyledPathTests.swift", "TextBoxTests.swift", "TextTests.swift", "XCTestManifests.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", "target_dependencies": [ "Rendering", "GraphicsTesting" ] }, { "name": "Rendering", "path": "Sources/Rendering", "type": "library", "c99name": "Rendering", "sources": [ "Alignment.swift", "Color.swift", "Fill.swift", "Group.swift", "Insets.swift", "Item.swift", "Renderable.swift", "Renderer.swift", "Stroke.swift", "StyledPath.Composite.swift", "StyledPath.swift", "Styling.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", "product_memberships": [ "Rendering", "SVG", "QuartzAdapter", "GraphicsTesting" ], "target_dependencies": [ "Path" ] }, { "name": "QuartzAdapterTests", "path": "Tests/QuartzAdapterTests", "type": "test", "c99name": "QuartzAdapterTests", "sources": [ "QuartzAdapterTests.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", 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"SwiftTarget", "target_dependencies": [ "Path", "Rendering", "GraphicsTesting" ] }, { "name": "Path", "path": "Sources/Path", "type": "library", "c99name": "Path", "sources": [ "BezierCurve.swift", "CubicBezierCurve.swift", "Path+Arrowhead.swift", "Path+Circle.swift", "Path+Ellipse.swift", "Path+Line.Segment.swift", "Path+Parallelogram.swift", "Path+PolygonProtocol.swift", "Path+Polyline.swift", "Path+Rectangle.swift", "Path+Square.swift", "Path+Transform.swift", "Path.Builder.swift", "Path.swift", "PathElement.swift", "PathRepresentable.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", "product_memberships": [ "Path", "Rendering", "SVG", "QuartzAdapter", "GraphicsTesting" ], "target_dependencies": [ "Geometry" ], "product_dependencies": [ "Math" ] }, { "name": "GraphicsTesting", "path": "Sources/GraphicsTesting", "type": "library", "c99name": "GraphicsTesting", "sources": [ "GraphicsTesting.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", "product_memberships": [ "GraphicsTesting" ], 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