A cute little task manager for your command line.
Add a new task.
> finch add "ship it!"
◦ 3. ship it!
List all your tasks.
These are stored in a .todo
file as JSON,
so tasks can be kept relevant to a single project.
> finch ls
◦ 1. refactor code
◦ 2. request code review
◦ 3. ship it!
Get things done!
> finch do 1
✓ 1. refactor code
◦ 2. request code review
◦ 3. ship it!
Here are all the operations that Finch supports. Usage help is also available for each command.
> finch help
Available commands:
add Create a new task
do Complete tasks by ID
edit Change the title of a task.
help Display general or command-specific help
ls List outstanding tasks
rm Remove tasks by ID
swap Swap the IDs of two tasks.
undo Un-complete tasks by ID