

A parsimonious little parser combinator framework for Swift

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Parsers And Parser Combinators? What?

Parsers and parser combinators are means of parsing a stream of some type into some other type. For example, one might start with a string whose contents are a mathematical expression such as 2 + 3. We want to get from this string to an array of tokens which can then be further processed to evaluate the expression itself or display it with syntax highlighting or for some other purpose.

I can’t do justice to this topic here. Wikipedia has the canonical article and your favorite search engine will have lots more information.

For those that already know a bit, a Parsimonious parser is a function with the following type signature:

typealias Parser<C: Collection, T> = (Context<C>) throws -> T

You’ll notice that the type signature includes Collection. Parsimonious is not a stream parser. This allows easier backtracking at the expense of not being able to parse extremely large amounts of data. For the vast majority of uses, this will not be a problem.


Look again at the signature of a parser. Its only argument is a Context<C: Collection>. We speak of a parser consuming a collection. If the elements of this collection are typed, we speak of the parser consuming a collection of said type. The return type is T, but in the case of parsers we speak of a parser matching T.

A combinator is a higher-order function that returns a parser. Here's an example:

func combinator<C: Collection, T>(_ parsers: Parser<C, T>...) -> Parser<C, [T]>

A combinator consumes a collection. It returns a parser. It matches an array of T. (Technically it returns a parser which matches an array of T. But it's tedious to speak this way and obvious from the context what is meant if we elide a bit of it.)

Parsing is begun using the parse function:

func parse<C: Collection, T>(_ input: C, with parser: Parser<C, T>) throws -> T

The collection consumed by parsing is known as the parse input or just input. This terminology is also used with parsers themselves, but refers to the unconsumed remainder of the original parse input at the time the given parser attempts to parse.

Why Parsimonious?

Reason 1: Character Tests

Parsimonious takes a slightly novel approach to parsing text. Most parser combinator frameworks have built-ins like whitespace or newline. Instead of this, Parsimonious has the concept of character tests.

This is easier to demonstrate than to explain, but it’s quite easy to use. Let’s match a sequence of at least one character which may not include whitespace or punctuation characters.

many1S(all: !\Character.isWhitespace, !\Character.isPunctuation)

Let’s parse this parser for a moment. The S suffix tells us that this parser parses a string and matches a string. (More on that later.) The all: tells us that all of the tests must return true for the parser to match. Inside the parentheses, we have two "negated" keypaths. Using the ! operator with the keypaths reverses the test implied by the keypath.

So what is a character test?

  • Any KeyPath<Character, Bool>
  • Any Character
  • Any String (which automatically implies "one of")
  • An instance of ExplicitCharacterTest
  • Any type which implements the CharacterTest protocol

In addition, the test(any:) and test(all:) functions, which themselves return a character test, can be used to combine tests to dizzying heights:

char(all: !\Character.isWhitespace, !"07", test(any: \Character.isLetter, \Character.isDigit))

The above parser matches a single character, which must not be whitespace and must not be one of "0" or "7". In addition, it must either be a letter or digit. So it will match "9" but not "0". It will match "x" but not " ".

Using this methodology, extremely sophisticated parsers can be created.

Reason 2: Strings!

In Swift, a String is not merely an array of Character instances. It is a much more sophisticated type that handles all the many intricacies of the Unicode standard.

The primitive Parsimonious parsers and combinators don’t know anything about strings or characters. They just parse a Collection of something or other and either match that something-or-other or an array of it. For example, the many1 combinator matches one or more instances of a given parser:

let digits = many1("0123456789")

Given "289" as the parse input, digits matches an array of Character instances, so the match would be ["2", "8", "9"]. Because this is often inconvenient, Parsimonious has a suite of parsers and combinators that match strings instead of arrays of characters.

The type of a parser which consumes a String and matches the same is Parser<String, String>. This type is so common that it has a typealias: ParserS. In addition to ParserS, there is manyS, many1S, and so on. The S suffix indicates that we’re dealing with strings, not arrays of characters.

let digits = many1S("0123456789")

The above parser will give us "289" instead of ["2", "8", "9"], which is often much more convenient.

Reason 3: Backtracking

Because Parsimonious is a collection parser rather than a stream parser, backtracking is easy. In fact, any parser that fails to match automatically backtracks. This makes parsers easier to write and reason about:

let escape: Character = "\\"
let quote: Character = "\""

let quotation = char(quote) *> manyS(char(all: !escape, !quote) | (char(escape) *> char(any: escape, quote))) <* char(quote)

The quotation parser matches quoted strings. Quotes themselves can be escaped with a backslash and a backslash must also be escaped with a backslash. Only the text within the quotes is returned as the result of this parser.

If any portion of this parser fails, it will backtrack all the way to the beginning and throw a ParseError. Whether this ParseError terminates parsing depends upon the context in which this parser occurs:

let quoteOrInteger = quotation | many1S("0123456789") | fail("Expected a quotation or integer")

The | combinator tries the left-hand parser. If it fails, it swallows the error and tries the right-hand parser. If that fails, then | fails and the error propagates up. Since the last failure might not be terribly helpful, we use the fail combinator (which always fails) to produce a friendlier error.

Reason 4: Write Complex Parsers Simply

Let's look again at the type signature of a parser:

public typealias Parser<C: Collection, T> = (Context<C>) throws -> T

Notice the throws keyword? This makes Parsimonious "Swifty" and also simplifies the writing of complex parsers. Instead of the constant ceremony of checking return types, we can use a syntax that is more natural to Swift and easier to read:

func parseDeclaration(_ context: Context<String>) throws -> String {
    return try context.transact {
        try context <- string("DECLARE")
        try context <- many1S(\Character.isWhitespace)
        let decl = try context <- many1S(\Character.isLetter)
        try context <- many1S(\Character.isWhitespace)
        return decl

The transact method is a helper which returns the context's index back to where it started if any of the parsers fails. You should always use this when writing your own parser.

By using try instead of some kind of Result type, we don't have to continually check the Result. This makes parsers easier to write and easier to understand.

Of course, it's much easier to write this particular parser using operators, and you should always do so when possible, as it handles all of these details for you:

let ws = many1S(\Character.isWhitespace)
let parseDeclaration = string("DECLARE") *> (many1S(\Character.isLetter) <~> ws) 

Tips & Tricks

Look At The Unit Tests!

The unit tests implement a fully-functional JSON parser and a pretty good CSV parser. There’s a lot to parse in them.

Not Just Strings!

Parsimonious can parse anything which implements Collection. It doesn't have to be a string. This is useful if you want to split the parsing up into phases, where the first phase is simple tokenization. You can use Parsimonious to combine the tokens into larger structures.


When tokenizing, it's often useful to know where in the original Collection the matched token appeared. The position combinator can be used to achieve this.

enum Token {
    case openParens
    case closeParens
    case sep
    case integer(Int)

let openParens = char("(")
let closeParens = char(")")
let sep = char(",")
let integer = many1S("0123456789")

let tokens = [openParens, closeParens, sep, integer].map(position)
let token = or(tokens)

Notice how the individual token parsers were defined without position, which was added later using higher order functions. This makes the parsers more reusable.

So what do you get when you do this? Instead of matching Token, the parsers in the above example now match Position<String, Token>, which has useful startIndex, endIndex and value properties.


The peek combinator matches without consuming any of the underlying Collection. It allows one to look ahead at what's next. A good example of its use is in the CSV parser in the unit tests. Consider the parser which produces a Decimal:

let dec = toDecimal <%> many1S(digits) + char(".") + many1S(digits)

This is a perfectly good parser, but there are circumstances in a CSV file in which it can cause a false match. Consider:


Look at 62.135 happily parses as a decimal, but the CSV parser has no idea what to do with the remaining .157.128. It terminates with an error. So we need to teach our parser that in the case of a decimal value, it needs to be followed by the separator, the end of the line or the end of the file:

func delimited<T>(_ parser: @escaping Parser<String, T>) -> Parser<String, T> {
    return surround(parser, with: ows) <* peek(char(sep) | eol | eofS)

let dec = toDecimal <%> delimited(many1S(digits) + char(".") + many1S(digits))

The delimited combinator returns a parser which says that our passed-in parser is expected to be surrounded by optional white space (ows) and followed either by the separator character, the end of the line or the end of the file.

An individual "item" in our CSV file is matched as follows:

let str = CSValue.string <%> (delimited(quotation) | unquotation)
let item = delimited(dec) | delimited(int) | str

With peek, the IP address fails to parse as a decimal, so the next possibility, an integer, is tried. It, too, fails, until eventually we get to a parser that succeeds: unquotation.

The peek combinator is almost always used with the <* combinator, which must match its left-hand and right-hand parsers, but discards the value of the right-hand parser.

Handy Operators

Custom operators are essential to making a parser combinator framework usable and readable. Parsimonious overloads the built-in |, & and + operators. Because the arguments to these operators in Parsimonious are parsers, there is no possibility of conflict with the ordinary uses of these operators. The custom operators are <*, *>, <*>, <%>, <=>, <?>, and <-. All of the operators mentioned so far are infix operators. There are in addition two postfix operators, + and *.

Use of the custom and overloaded operators is entirely optional. Every Parsimonious operator has a corresponding ordinary function.

Let's go over a few of the operators. For the rest, see the documentation and unit tests.

Perhaps the most common operator is | (or). This operator attemps the parser on its left-hand side. If it does not match, it attempts the parser on its right-hand side. If both fail, the ParseError from the right-hand parser is thrown.

// Matches "foo" or "bar" or fails.
string("foo") | string("bar")

The <* (first) operator succeeds when its left- and right-hand parsers both succeed, but it only matches the left-hand parser. One can think of it as meaning "followed by".

string("foo") <* many1S(\Character.isWhitespace)

This matches the string "foo" only when it is followed by at least one whitespace character. The whitespace match is discarded but must still succeed.

The inverse of <* is of course *> (second), meaning "preceded by":

many1S(\Character.isWhitespace) *> string("foo")

There is also <*> (surround), whose meaning should by now be obvious:

string("foo") <*> many1S(\Character.isWhitespace)

The above parser matches the string "foo" but only if it is surrounded on both sides by at least one whitespace character.

The + operator is used only on string parsers (i.e., ParserS). It takes the matches of its left- and right-hand sides and combines them.

string("foo") + string("bar")

This must first match the string "foo", followed by the string "bar". The matched string returned is "foobar". Contrast this with string("foo") & string("bar") which returns an array ["foo", "bar"].

As a postfix operator, + is the same as many1, but its argument must always be a parser, not a character test.

let foobar = (string("foo") | string("bar")) <*> manyS(\Character.isWhitespace)

Given a parse input of "foofoo barfoo bar bar " the match of foobar+ would be ["foo", "foo", "bar", "foo", "bar", "bar"].

Arbitrary State

The Context type used in parsing allows arbitrary state to be set and retrieved:

context["count"] = 1
context["string"] = "ok"

Since the parse method through which parsing begins does not allow the Context object to be accessed directly, the easiest way to set initial state is by creating a "root" parser that does so:

enum Datum {
    case integer(Int)
    case string(String)

func datum(_ context: Context<String>) throws -> Datum {
    func integer(_ context: Context<String>) throws -> Datum {
        return try context.transact {
            let s = try context <- many1S("0123456789")
            guard let i = Int(s) else {
                throw ParseError(message: "'\(s)' out of range for integer.", context: context)
            context["integers"] = (context["integers"]! as! Int) + 1
            return .integer(i)
    let string = Datum.string <%> quotation
    let datum = try context <- integer | string | fail("Expected to match an integer or a quoted string.")
    return datum

// Here is our root parser.
func data(_ context: Context<String>) throws -> ([Datum], Int) {
    let ws = manyS(\Character.isWhitespace)
    context["integers"] = 0
    let data = try context <- (many(datum, sepBy: char(",") <*> ws) <*> ws) <* eof
    return (data, context["integers"]! as! Int)

let s = "\"ok\", 79, 44, \"never\", 8   "
let (result, integerCount) = try! parse(s, with: data)

The value of integerCount is 3. This is a very contrived, borderline silly example, but it demonstrates what can be done.


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Last updated: Sat Mar 16 2024 02:13:11 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)