A Basic helper to aply Optical Character Recognition process to an image to get the text.
This package is compatible with MacOS, TvOS, iOS, ipadOS and WatchOS.
This package only have the class OCRHelper.
let languages: [String] = OCRHelper.supportedLanguages
Note: if the array is empty the recognition system is not allowed.
There are functions for CGImage, UIImage and NSImage formats.
let myImage = // type your code here to get an image
OCRHelper.recognice(cgImage: myImage,
languages: ["es-es", "en-us"],
level: .accurate,
completed: { result, error in
guard let result = result else { return }
for item in result {
Note: The params language and level are optionals.
This package was developed by Jonathan Chacón .
Please, if you have any question or suggestion you can contact me at Tyflos Accessible Software web site.
Pull requests are welcome. Feel free to create pull requests for any kind of improvements, bug fixes or enhancements. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This software was published under the MIT license