

A Drag-and-Drop library in pure SwiftUI.

What's New



This release fixes a bug where onRotate would not update dropReceivers' dropAreas on iPad and on iPhones running iOS 16 or higher.

SwiftUI Drag-and-Drop

Drag-and-drop is an intuitive gesture and can improve the UX of an app.

Chess Emoji Art Card Game To Do List
Chess Drag-And-Drop Demo Emoji Art Drag-And-Drop Demo Card Game Drag-And-Drop Demo To Do List Drag-And-Drop Demo
Documentation Documentation Documentation Documentation

Purpose of this library.

This library supports drag-and-drop in SwiftUI code. This is a replacement for the native onDrag / onDrop and their limitations.

Which Use Cases Does This Library Fit?

This library is a good fit if your use case falls into one or more of the following:

  • If you need or want to support drag-and-drop below iOS 16 (namely, iOS 13 or higher).
  • If you are drag-and-dropping non-NSObjects.
  • If you are not drag-and-dropping between apps (e.g., dragging URL from Safari to your app on an iPad).
  • If you are not (for whatever reason) enchanted with Apple's implementation.
  • If you like the way this library organizes drop logic on the draggable object rather than the drop-receiving object.

Getting Started.

The following steps will get your project compiling with a basic implementation of the library.

  1. Choose a type to conform to DropReceiver and conform the struct to it:
protocol DropReceiver {
    var dropArea: CGRect? { get set }

For example:

struct MyDropReceiver: DropReceiver {
    var dropArea: CGRect? = nil
  1. Conform your ViewModel to DropReceivableObservableObject & Add a variable in the ViewModel referencing the DropReceiver struct.
protocol DropReceivableObservableObject: ObservableObject {
    associatedtype DropReceivable: DropReceiver
    func setDropArea(_ dropArea: CGRect, on dropReceiver: DropReceivable)

For example:

class DragAndDropViewModel: DropReceivableObservableObject {
    typealias DropReceivable = MyDropReceiver
    var dropReceiver = MyDropReceiver()
    func setDropArea(_ dropArea: CGRect, on dropReceiver: DropReceivable) {
        dropReceiver.updateDropArea(with: dropArea)
  1. Add the ViewModifier .dropArea(for:model:) to an element in your View which represents the DropReceiver struct. The for: should be an element of the type of the DropReceiver struct and the model: should be a reference to the DropReceivableObservableObject ViewModel.

For example:

struct MyDragAndDropView: View {
    @State var model = DragAndDropViewModel()
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
                .dropReceiver(for: model.dropReceiver, model: model)
  1. Add the ViewModifier .dragable() to any other element in the View. The code can now run and the View is draggable. It will show a blue shadow while dragging.

For example:

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
                .frame(width: 150, height: 150)
                .dropReceiver(for: model.dropReceiver, model: model)
                .frame(width: 50, height: 50)
  1. To see the dragged object and drop receiver interact, add these two function definitions to the View and assign them to .dragable(onDragged:onDropped:), respectively.
    func onDragged(position: CGPoint) -> DragState {
        if model.dropReceiver.getDropArea()!.contains(position) {
            return .accepted
        } else {
            return .rejected
    func onDropped(position: CGPoint) -> Bool {

This code will allow a user to drag the object marked dragable and the shadow will now be green if the drop receiver is below the drag gesture or red if it is not.

In-Depth Examples of Implementation.

These examples are intended to showcase various implementations of drag-and-drop and are not intended to be full apps. Since drag-and-drop is a means of signaling user intent, these examples show various ways to capture that intent.

Emoji Art.

View the code. | Read the Documentation.

This example shows a single drop receiver (the canvas) and multiple drag-and-drop objects (the emoji on the palette & the emoji on the canvas).

To Do App.

View the code. | Read the Documentation.

A todo list where each list object can be dragged on top of a "Complete" box or a "Trash" box. The "Add New" button is draggable on top of the list to add a new object.

Chess Board.

View the code. | Read the Documentation.

This example shows how to implement drag-and-drop chess pieces on the chess board. The only movement rules are basic directional rules. The movement rules do not enforce check, checkmate, turn order, or board-wrapping (that is, a bishop on a3 can move to h3 as described here).

Card Game.

View the code. | Read the Documentation.

In this game, players can play a card in one of three playable areas: here, there, or yonder. Each card can be played in 1 or more of these areas.

Working with Non-Rectangular Drop Areas.

Read the tutorial.

This tutorial covers working with non-rectangular drop areas on a map or in a non-rectangular grid.


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Last updated: Mon Jan 20 2025 06:14:43 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)