

A Swift implementation of a semantic Version as described at

What's New



What's Changed

  • Add support for Swift 5.10
  • Bump from 509.0.0 to 509.0.1 by @dependabot in #117
  • Bump from 509.0.1 to 509.0.2 by @dependabot in #118
  • Bump from 509.0.2 to 509.1.0 by @dependabot in #119
  • Bump from 509.1.0 to 509.1.1 by @dependabot in #120

Full Changelog: 5.0.0...5.1.0


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This repository contains a complete implementation of a Version struct that conforms to the rules of semantic versioning which are described at


Add the following dependency to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "", from: "5.0.0"),


Swift SemVer Package
< 5.3.0 1.x.y - 2.x.y
>= 5.3.0, < 5.9.0 3.x.y
>= 5.9.0 5.x.y


Creating Versions

You can create a version like this:

let version = Version(major: 1, minor: 2, patch: 3,
                      prerelease: "beta", 1, // prerelease could also be ["beta", 1]
                      metadata: "exp", "test") // metadata could also be ["exp, test"]
version.versionString() // -> "1.2.3-beta.1+exp.test"

Of course there are simpler ways:

let initialRelease = Version(major: 1)
initialRelease.versionString() // -> "1.0.0"

let minorRelease = Version(major: 2, minor: 1)
minorRelease.versionString() // -> "2.1.0"

let patchRelease = Version(major: 3, minor: 2, patch: 1)
patchRelease.versionString() // -> "3.2.1"

And there is also a Swift macro for statically creating versions.

Version Strings

As seen in above's examples, there's a func to return a string represenation of a Version. The versionString(formattedWith options: FormattingOptions = default) function allows to retrieve a formatted string using the options passed. By default the full version is returned. The following options currently exist:

  • .dropPatchIfZero: If patch is 0, it won't be added to the version string.
  • .dropMinorIfZero: If minor and patch are both 0, only the major number is added. Requires .dropPatchIfZero.
  • .dropTrailingZeros: A convenience combination of .dropPatchIfZero and .dropMinorIfZero.
  • .includePrerelease: If prerelease are not empty, they are added to the version string.
  • .includeMetadata: If metadata is not empty, it is added to the version string.
  • .fullVersion: A convenience combination of .includePrerelease and .includeMetadata. The default if you don't pass anything to versionString.
let version = Version(major: 1, minor: 2, patch: 3,
                      prerelease: "beta",
                      metadata: "exp", "test")
version.versionString(formattedWith: .includePrerelease]) // -> "1.2.3-beta"
version.versionString(formattedWith: .includeMetadata) // -> "1.2.3+exp.test"
version.versionString(formattedWith: []) // -> "1.2.3"

let version2 = Version(major: 2)
version2.versionString(formattedWith: .dropPatchIfZero) // -> "2.0"
version2.versionString(formattedWith: .dropTrailingZeros) // -> "2"

A Version can also be created from a String. All Strings created by the versionString func should result in the same Version they were created from:

let version = Version(major: 1, minor: 2, patch: 3,
                      prerelease: "beta",
                      metadata: "exp", "test")
let str = version.versionString() // -> "1.2.3-beta+exp.test"
let recreatedVersion = Version(str) // recreatedVersion is Optional<Version>
recreatedVersion == version // -> true

Comparing Versions

A Version can also be compared to other versions. This also follows the rules of semantic versioning. This means that metadata has no effect on comparing at all. This also means that a version with and without metadata are treated as equal:

let versionWithMetadata = Version(major: 1, minor: 2, patch: 3,
                                  metadata: "exp", "test")
let versionWithoutMetadata = Version(major: 1, minor: 2, patch: 3)
versionWithMetadata == versionWithoutMetadata // -> true

Otherwise, comparing two Version's basically compares their major/minor/patch numbers. A Version with prerelease identifiers is ordered before a the same version without prerelease identifiers:

let preReleaseVersion = Version(major: 1, minor: 2, patch: 3,
                                prerelease: "beta")
let finalVersion = Version(major: 1, minor: 2, patch: 3)
preReleaseVersion < finalVersion // -> true

If you need to check whether two versions are completely identical, there's the isIdentical(to:) method, which also checks metadata.

Validity Checks

Version performs some validity checks on its fields. This means, that no negative numbers are allowed for major, minor and patch. Also, the prerelease and metadata Strings must only contain alphanumeric characters plus - (hyphen). However, to keep working with Version production-safe, these rules are only checked in non-optimized builds (using assert()). The result of using not allowed numbers / characters in optimized builds is undetermined. While calling versionString() very likely won't break, it certainly won't be possible to recreate a version containing invalid numbers / characters using init(_ description: String).


Version conforms to Codable! The encoding / decoding behavior can be controlled by using the .versionEncodingStrategy and .versionDecodingStrategy CodingUserInfoKeys. For JSONEncoder/JSONDecoder and PropertyListEncoder/PropertyListDecoder, there are the convenience properties semverVersionEncodingStrategy/semverVersionDecodingStrategy in place.


This package also provides a SemVerMacros product. It's a separate product, so that SwiftSyntax won't be compiled for users of SemVer if no macro is actually needed. If a Version should be constructed from a String that is known at compile time, the #version macro can be used. It will parse the String at compile time and generate code that initializes a Version from the result:

let version = #version("1.2.3")

results in

let version = Version(major: 1, minor: 2, patch: 3, prerelase: [], metadata: [])


The API is documented using header doc. If you prefer to view the documentation as a webpage, there is an online version available for you.


If you find a bug / like to see a new feature in SemVer there are a few ways of helping out:

  • If you can fix the bug / implement the feature yourself please do and open a PR!
  • If you know how to code (which you probably do), please add a (failing) test and open a PR. We'll try to get your test green ASAP.
  • If you can't do neither, then open an issue. While this might be the easiest way, it will likely take the longest for the bug to be fixed / feature to be implemented.

License & Copyright

See LICENSE file.


  • Swift Tools 5.10.0
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Last updated: Sat Mar 08 2025 17:58:52 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)