

SwiftIndexStore is a IndexStore reader library for Swift.

What's New



What's Changed

  • Implement indexstore_unit_reader_get_target. by @ileitch in #11

Full Changelog: 0.1.5...0.2.0


⚠️ This library API is not stable yet

SwiftIndexStore is a IndexStore reader library for Swift.

This library uses libIndexStore to derive data from index directory generated by Xcode. For more information about libIndexStore, and producing raw indexing data, see the Indexing While Building whitepaper.

Example Users

  • swift-renamer: A tool that renames Swift identifiers in project.

Adding SwiftIndexStore as a Dependency

To use the SwiftIndexStore library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/kateinoigakukun/swift-indexstore", .branch("master")),


If you want to dump the content of IndexStore, you can use index-dump-tool.

$ swift run index-dump-tool print-record --index-store-path path/to/IndexStore
Unit: "ViewModel.o-366G7N49CIUXI"
Record: "/Applications/Xcode-11.4.1.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib/swift/Swift.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftinterface"
Record: "/var/folders/br/7sr_p7cj7v549x_gtkb33df00000gp/T/tmp.1FkAuTE5/ViewModel.swift"
| usr = s:9ViewModelAACABycfc | name = init() | kind = constructor | subKind = none | language = swift |
| usr = s:9ViewModelAAC | name = ViewModel | kind = class | subKind = none | language = swift |
| usr = s:9ViewModelAAC4nameSSvg | name = getter:name | kind = instanceMethod | subKind = accessorGetter | language = swift |
| usr = s:9ViewModelAAC4nameSSvp | name = name | kind = instanceProperty | subKind = none | language = swift |
| usr = s:9ViewModelAAC4nameSSvs | name = setter:name | kind = instanceMethod | subKind = accessorSetter | language = swift |
| usr = s:SS | name = String | kind = struct | subKind = none | language = swift |
| roles = Roles(["definition", "implicit", "childOf"]) | usr = s:9ViewModelAACABycfc | location = /var/folders/br/7sr_p7cj7v549x_gtkb33df00000gp/T/tmp.1FkAuTE5/ViewModel.swift:1:7 |
| roles = Roles(["definition"]) | usr = s:9ViewModelAAC | location = /var/folders/br/7sr_p7cj7v549x_gtkb33df00000gp/T/tmp.1FkAuTE5/ViewModel.swift:1:7 |
| roles = Roles(["definition", "implicit", "childOf", "accessorOf"]) | usr = s:9ViewModelAAC4nameSSvg | location = /var/folders/br/7sr_p7cj7v549x_gtkb33df00000gp/T/tmp.1FkAuTE5/ViewModel.swift:2:7 |
| roles = Roles(["definition", "implicit", "childOf", "accessorOf"]) | usr = s:9ViewModelAAC4nameSSvs | location = /var/folders/br/7sr_p7cj7v549x_gtkb33df00000gp/T/tmp.1FkAuTE5/ViewModel.swift:2:7 |
| roles = Roles(["definition", "childOf"]) | usr = s:9ViewModelAAC4nameSSvp | location = /var/folders/br/7sr_p7cj7v549x_gtkb33df00000gp/T/tmp.1FkAuTE5/ViewModel.swift:2:7 |
| roles = Roles(["reference"]) | usr = s:SS | location = /var/folders/br/7sr_p7cj7v549x_gtkb33df00000gp/T/tmp.1FkAuTE5/ViewModel.swift:2:13 |


  • Swift Tools 5.2.0
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Last updated: Wed Feb 05 2025 01:19:53 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)