The ContainerViewController
is designed to be a simple but flexible method to embed and transition between multiple child UIViewController
objects. It was built to fill in the gap when you need a UINavigationController
without the hassle of a navigation bar, or a UITabBarController
without the tab bar. The only built in way to transition between children of the container is through its transition(to:)
To get started quickly, it is easiest to create the ContainerViewController
from code and manually add it as a child of a parent UIViewController
. This is easily done in that view controller's viewDidLoad
private lazy var containerViewController: ContainerViewController = ContainerViewController(children: [.init(identifier: .a, viewController: controllerA),
.init(identifier: .b, viewController: controllerB)], delegate: self)
containerViewController.willMove(toParent: self)
containerViewController.view.frame = containerView.bounds
containerViewController.didMove(toParent: self)
You'll notice that in this example we were able to use static typed identifier's, .a
and .b
. This is because of an extension declared on ContainerViewController.Child.Identifier
, simply:
extension ContainerViewController.Child.Identifier {
static let a = ContainerViewController.Child.Identifier(rawValue: "A")
static let b = ContainerViewController.Child.Identifier(rawValue: "B")
Although this is is encouraged, ContainerViewController.Child.Identifier
conforms to ExpressibleByStringLiteral
and RawRepresentable
so these identifiers can be initialized from any String
at run time.
Once you have the ContainerViewController
properly initialized and visible, it will (by default) automatically transition to its first Child
. This behavior is controlled by the shouldAutomaticallyTransitionOnLoad
, where, when set to true
, the container will select the first of its Child
objects when its view loads. If this value is set to false, or the ContainerViewController
has no Child
objects at load time, it will wait for further instruction before embedding and showing a Child
In order to begin showing a child view controller, there are a few options:
// If `child` is not already part of `ContainerViewController`, it will be added before it is displayed
let child = ContainerViewController.Child(identifier: .new, viewController: someViewController)
containerViewController.transition(to: child) { finished in
print("finished transitioning: \(finished)")
// If you know the identifier of an existing `Child` that is part of the container, you can alternatively request it:
containerViewController.transitionToChild(for: .new) { finished in
print("finished transitioning: \(finished)")
The container also has several delegate callbacks which can help customize its behavior. Among them, is a function which returns a UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning
object, which is used identically to those used in modal, navigation and tab transition animations.
func containerViewController(_ container: ContainerViewController, animationControllerForTransitionFrom source: Child, to destination: Child) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
if useCustomAnimator, let sourceIndex = container.index(ofChild: source.viewController), let destinationIndex = container.index(ofChild: destination.viewController) {
return WipeTransitionAnimator(withStartIndex: sourceIndex, endIndex: destinationIndex)
return nil
Container is an evolution of the ContainerViewController
that was available as part of UtiliKit. For the most part, the two are source-compatible, but please check out our migration guide if you're upgrading to Container from UtiliKit.
To run the example project, clone this repo and open iOS Example/iOS Example.xcworkspace
Requires iOS 10.0, tvOS 10.0
Add this to your project using Swift Package Manager. In Xcode that is simply: File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency... and you're done. Alternative installations options are shown below for legacy projects.
If you are already using CocoaPods, just add 'Container' to your Podfile
then run pod install
If you are already using Carthage, just add to your Cartfile
github "BottleRocketStudios/Container" ~> 0.1
Then run carthage update
to build the framework and drag the built Container
.framework into your Xcode project.
Container is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
See the CONTRIBUTING document. Thank you, contributors!