

Server that builds a OpenAPI/JSON:API Swift test suite and runs it.

JSON:API/OpenAPI Test Server


As Tool

Against a URL

You can point the test tool at a URL serving up OpenAPI documentation. The URL can either require HTTP Basic Authentication or no authentication.

The unauthenticated version only requires the API_TEST_IN_URL environment variable.

docker run --rm --env 'API_TEST_IN_URL=https://website.com/api/documentation' mattpolzin2/api-test-server ./APITest

The authenticated version additionally requires the API_TEST_USERNAME and API_TEST_PASSWORD environment variables.

docker run --rm --env 'API_TEST_IN_URL=https://website.com/api/documentation' --env 'API_TEST_USERNAME=username' --env 'API_TEST_PASSWORD=password' mattpolzin2/api-test-server ./APITest

Against a local file

You can point the test tool at a local file if you mount that file into the docker container and specify the mount destination with the API_TEST_IN_FILE environment variable.

docker run --rm --env 'API_TEST_IN_FILE=/api/openapi.json' -v '/full/path/to/openapi.json:/api/openapi.json' mattpolzin2/api-test-server ./APITest

Note that you cannot use relative paths with bind mounts but if, for example, your openapi.json file is in the current working directory then you could invoke as:

docker run --rm --env 'API_TEST_IN_FILE=/api/openapi.json' -v "$(pwd)/openapi.json:/api/openapi.json" mattpolzin2/api-test-server ./APITest

Dumping test files

The test tool works by generating Swift code to parse examples and test responses. These test files include JSON:API models that could be used as a basis for client implementations. You can dump the test files with the --dump-files argument to the ./APITest test command. You must also mount the output directory so you can access the generated file from outside of the container.

docker run --rm --env 'API_TEST_IN_URL=https://website.com/api/documentation' -v "$(pwd)/out:/app/out" mattpolzin2/api-test-server ./APITest test --dump-files

You will find the dumped files at ./out/api_test_files.zip.

As Server

You can run an API Test server that accepts requests to run tests at HTTP endpoints. This requires the same input file or URL environment variables explained in the above section but you also must provide a Postgres database for the server to use as its persistence layer. You specify this database using a Postgres URL in the API_TEST_DATABASE_URL environment variable.

First you need to run the migrator against your Postgres database.

docker run --env 'API_TEST_IN_URL=https://website.com/api/documentation' --env 'API_TEST_DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@host:port/databasename' -p '8080:80' mattpolzin2/api-test-server migrate --yes

Then you can start the server.

docker run --env 'API_TEST_IN_URL=https://website.com/api/documentation' --env 'API_TEST_DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@host:port/databasename' -p '8080:80' mattpolzin2/api-test-server

NOTE We must explicitly expose the port to the host device. In this example, http://localhost:8080 will point to the server which is listening on port 80 in the container.

Visit the /docs API endpoint to see what endpoints the server provides.


Note that Vapor 4 (and therefore this server) requires Swift 5.2.

Generating API Documentation

To generate API documentation, run the GenAPIDocumenation target and save the output to Public/openapi.yml. This file is not committed to the repository but it will be picked up by the ReDoc UI served at the /docs API endpoint.

Documentation is generated as part of the Docker image build so you do not need to perform it as a separate step if you are building the Docker image anyway.

Building Docker Image

From the root folder of the repository, run

docker build -t api-test-server:latest .

Once done, you will have the api-test-server:latest Docker image.


  • Swift Tools 5.2.0
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Last updated: Mon Jan 13 2025 02:21:49 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)