

Convenient work with custom fonts in SwiftUI


The CustomFont is designed for intuitive integration and management of fonts within a SwiftUI application. It provides a user-friendly interface for crafting text styles and introduces mechanisms to dynamically control text boldness based on user-defined accessibility settings with LegibilityWeight.

Key Features

  • Custom Text Style: Design styles with either automatic scaling or specified fixed sizes.
  • Dynamic Boldness: Adjust text boldness in alignment with accessibility settings.
  • Easy Font Integration: Effortlessly introduce and deploy your fonts.
  • SwiftUI Integration: Apply text styles seamlessly within your SwiftUI views.

How to Use

1. Adding Fonts to the Project

Add the desired fonts to your project as per usual. Also, remember to list them in the Info.plist file.

2. Defining Fonts

Define your fonts using the provided protocols. Take note:

  • Font Names: Ensure that you've added the font names you intend to use to a type that conforms to the FontFamily protocol.
  • Italic Fonts: Do not add specific cases for italic fonts. Instead, use the .italic() view modifier to achieve the italic style. However, ensure that italic variants of your fonts are included in your project. Without them, the .italic() view modifier won't have any effect.
  • Font Weight Order: Arrange your font weights sequentially, starting from the "Light" variants and progressing to the "Bold" ones.
  • Adapting to LegibilityWeight: To allow your fonts to adapt to LegibilityWeight settings, both include the font of the next boldest weight in your project and list it as a case in your FontFamily type. This is vital for the LegibilityWeight functionality to work correctly.
fileprivate enum NewYorkExtraLarge: String, CaseIterable, FontFamily {
    static let baseName = "NewYorkExtraLarge-"
    case semiBold, bold

extension CustomTextStyle {
    /// NewYorkExtraLarge, 600, 28, fixed
    static let titleFixed = CustomTextStyle(NewYorkExtraLarge.semiBold, fixedSize: 28)
    /// NewYorkExtraLarge, 600, 28
    static let title = CustomTextStyle(NewYorkExtraLarge.semiBold, size: 28, relativeTo: .title)

3. Using Fonts

struct ContentView: View {
    @Environment(\.legibilityWeight) private var legibilityWeight
    private var attributedString: AttributedString {
        var result = AttributedString("Hello World!")
        result.font = .custom(.title).getFont(accordingTo: legibilityWeight)
        return result
    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 20) {
            Text("Hello World!")
            Text("Hello World!")
            Text("Hello World!")
            Text("Hello World!")
                .font(.custom(.title), accordingTo: legibilityWeight)

More examples


  • Swift Tools 5.8.0
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Last updated: Thu Apr 11 2024 09:40:06 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)