

A tool to help you in writing clean and concise unit tests by standardizing the creation of fixture values.

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A simple framework for managing test fixtures in Swift.


SwiftFixture provides a set of tools designed to help make it easy for you to instantiate and organize values of your own Swift types for use as fixtures during unit testing.

struct User {
    let id: UUID
    let name: String
    let createdAt: Date
    let isActive: Bool

func getSummary(for user: User) -> String {
    if user.isActive {
        return "\(user.name) is currently active!"
    } else {
        return "\(user.name) is not active."
class UserTests: XCTestCase {
    let fixture = Fixture()
    func testSummaryForActiveUser() throws {
        let user: User = try fixture(isActive: true)
        XCTAssertEqual(getSummary(for: user), "\(user.name) is active!")


Every unit test needs a fixture. Put simply, a fixture is just a piece of information that controls the environment of the test. When testing Swift code, types are your fixtures, like user in the above example.

With every unit test written, you will find yourself needing to initialize values more and more. This can start to become repetitive and as your types grow in complexity, it's likely that the initializer argument list also grows. It's not uncommon to eventually find yourself writing something like this:

func testStateForSubscribedUser() {
    let user = User(
        id: UUID(),
        name: "ksdf",
        itemCount: 0,
        createdAt: Date(),
        subscription: Subscription(
            id: UUID(),
            startedAt: Date(),
            expires: Date(),
            paymentMethod: .iap,
            referralCode: nil
        profileState: .complete,
        avatar: nil
    XCTAssertEqual(user.state, .subscribed)

func testStateForUserWithoutSubscription() {
    let user = User(
        id: UUID(),
        name: "ksdf",
        itemCount: 0,
        createdAt: Date(),
        subscription: nil,
        profileState: .complete,
        avatar: nil
    XCTAssertEqual(user.state, .unsubscribed)

func testStateForUserWithExpiredSubscription() {
    let user = User(
        id: UUID(),
        name: "ksdf",
        itemCount: 0,
        createdAt: Date(),
        subscription: Subscription(
            id: UUID(),
            startedAt: Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0),
            expires: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: -10),
            paymentMethod: .iap,
            referralCode: nil
        profileState: .complete,
        avatar: nil
    XCTAssertEqual(user.state, .expired)

The three simple tests above end up using 90% more lines of code than they really needed and overall things end up pretty noisy. Additionally, making unrelated changes to User such as adding a new property require that we go back and add a new default value to each test when that property shouldn't even have been associated with this test in the first place.

With a few helper methods, you can certainly improve this a bit, but it can be hard to do so consistently when you end up having to write your own helpers. Furthermore, it is also very tempting to do things that influence your production code, such as providing default values on the main initializer.

SwiftFixture is designed to worry about all of this so that you don't have to.


Check out the the documentation for guidance using SwiftFixture.


This library was inspired by KFixture, a Kotlin wrapper around JFixture (inspired by AutoFixture).


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Last updated: Mon Mar 10 2025 16:51:46 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)