

Generate SwiftUI Text or AttributedString from markdown strings with custom style names.

What's New



Adding support for more parameters of custom AttributedString initializer


iOS 15.0 / macOS 12.0 / tvOS 15.0 / watchOS 8.0

iOS 15 comes with markdown string support. By default, you can style your strings with standard markdown syntax like **bold** and *italic* This is nice, but there is usually a need to specify more complex styling like font type, text color etc.

StyledMarkdown is a mini library that lets you define custom styles in code and use those styles in your localized markdown strings.

  • Define your custom styles in code via specifying attributes like custom fonts, text colors, underline styles and more, and name those syles.
  • Use those style names in your markdown strings.
  • Provide your custom style definitions and markdown strings which are using those custom styles' names to StyledMarkdown. StyledMarkdown can create SwiftUI Text views or just AttributedStrings for UIKit.

With this approach, you do not have to define a custom AttributedStringKey each time you want a custom style in your markdown, as StyledMarkdown handles this part for you.


glide devices

Sample usage

let normalStyle = Style { style in
	style.font = .subheadline
	style.foregroundColor = .red

let boldStyle = Style { style in
	style.font = Font.italic(.system(size: 20))()
	style.foregroundColor = .blue

let myStyleGroup = StyleGroup(
	base: normalStyle,
		"bold": boldStyle

	"Hey ^[buddy](style: 'bold')",
	styleGroup: myStyleGroup

// or

	localized: "Hey ^[buddy](style: 'bold')",
	styleGroup: myStyleGroup

The idea of StyleGroup and named Styles comes directly from SwiftRichString library by Daniele Margutti on GitHub. Some of the code from there is also used in this package.

Supported modifiers

font(SwiftUI.Font or UIFont)

foregroundColor(SwiftUI.Color or UIColor)

backgroundColor(SwiftUI.Color or UIColor)

strikethrough(SwiftUI.Color or UIColor)


underline(SwiftUI.Color or UIColor)





Advanced styling

let rainbow: [Color] = [
	.blue, .teal, .red, .gray, .yellow, .orange, .purple

let rainbowStyleGroup = StyleGroup(
	styleCustom: { source in
		var attrString = source
		for run in attrString.runs {
			let currentRange = run.range
			var index = currentRange.lowerBound
			var colorCounter: Int = 0
			while index < currentRange.upperBound {
				let nextIndex = attrString.characters.index(
					offsetBy: 1
				attrString[index ..< nextIndex].foregroundColor = rainbow[colorCounter]
				colorCounter += 1
				if colorCounter >= rainbow.count {
					colorCounter = 0
				index = nextIndex
		return attrString

	styleGroup: rainbowStyleGroup

// or

	localized: "Rainbow",
	styleGroup: rainbowStyleGroup

Parts of the above code for rainbow styling is taken from WWDC'21 sample app project called Caffe, Copyright © 2021 Apple Inc.

🔗 Links

You can add links inside your strings using the custom link AttributedStringKey: ^[styled link](link: {url: '', style: 'linkStyle'})

iOS Automatic grammar agreement

Automatic grammar agreement's inflect property works with StyledMarkdown styles.

^[2 salad](style: 'italic', inflect: true)

generates 2 salads with italic style.

🎆 Images (not supported)

iOS currently does not support including custom Image attachments within AttributedString.


  • Swift Tools 5.5.0
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  • None
Last updated: Fri Mar 07 2025 07:01:29 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)