

Useful extensions for Apple's Core Image framework

What's New

1.1.1: Debug Extensions


Added extensions to simplify and improve debugging Core Image filters and outputs.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.1


Useful extensions for Apple's Core Image framework.

Async Rendering

Almost all rendering APIs of CIContext are synchronous, i.e., they will block the current thread until rendering is done. In many cases, especially when calling from the main thread, this is undesirable.

We added an extension to CIContext that adds async versions of all rendering APIs via a wrapping actor instance. The actor can be accessed via the async property:

let cgImage = await context.async.createCGImage(ciImage, from: ciImage.extent)

Note: Though they are already asynchronous, even the APIs for working with CIRenderDestination, like startTask(toRender:to:), will profit from using the async versions. This is because Core Image will perform an analysis of the filter graph that should be applied to the given image before handing the rendering work to the GPU. Especially for more complex filter pipelines this analysis can be quite costly and is better performed in a background queue to not block the main thread.

We also added async alternatives for the CIRenderDestination-related APIs that wait for the task execution and return the CIRenderInfo object:

let info = try await context.async.render(image, from: rect, to: destination, at: point)
let info = try await context.async.render(image, to: destination)
let info = try await context.async.clear(destination)

Image Lookup

We added a convenience initializer to CIImage that you can use to load an image by its name from an asset catalog or from a bundle directly:

let image = CIImage(named: "myImage")

This provides the same signature as the corresponding UIImage method:

// on iOS, Catalyst, tvOS
init?(named name: String, in bundle: Bundle? = nil, compatibleWith traitCollection: UITraitCollection? = nil)

// on macOS
init?(named name: String, in bundle: Bundle? = nil)

Images with Fixed Values

In Core Image, you can use the init(color: CIColor) initializer of CIImage to create an image with infinite extent that only contains pixels with the given color. This, however, only allows the creation of images filled with values in [0…1] since CIColor clamps values to this range.

We added two new factory methods on CIImage that allow the creation of images filled with arbitrary values:

/// Returns a `CIImage` with infinite extent only containing the given pixel value.
static func containing(values: CIVector) -> CIImage?

/// Returns a `CIImage` with infinite extent only containing the given value in RGB and alpha 1.
/// So `CIImage.containing(42.3)` would result in an image containing the value (42.3, 42.3, 42.3, 1.0) in each pixel.
static func containing(value: Double) -> CIImage?

This is useful, for instance, for passing scalar values into blend filters. For instance, this would create a color inversion effect in RGB:

var inverted = CIBlendKernel.multiply.apply(foreground: image, background: CIImage.containing(value: -1)!)!
inverted = CIBlendKernel.componentAdd.apply(foreground: inverted, background: CIImage.containing(value: 1)!)!

Image Value Access

It can be rather complicated to access the actual pixel values of a CIImage. The image needs to be rendered first and the resulting bitmap memory needs to be accessed properly.

We added some convenience methods to CIContext to do just that in a one-liner:

// get all pixel values of `image` as an array of `SIMD4<UInt8>` values:
let values = context.readUInt8PixelValues(from: image, in: image.extent)
let red: UInt8 = values[42].r // for instance

// get the value of a specific pixel as a `SIMD4<Float32>`:
let value = context.readFloat32PixelValue(from: image, at:
let green: Float32 = value.g // for instance

These methods come in variants for accessing an area of pixels (in a given CGRect) or single pixels (at a given CGPoint). They are also available for three different data types: UInt8 (the normal 8-bit per channel format, with [0…255] range), Float32 (aka float containing arbitrary values, but colors are usually mapped to [0...1]), and Float16 (only on iOS).

Note: Also available as async versions.

OpenEXR Support

OpenEXR is an open standard for storing arbitrary bitmap data that exceed “normal” image color data, like 32-bit high-dynamic range data or negative floating point values (for instance for height fields).

Although Image I/O has native support for the EXR format, Core Image doesn’t provide convenience ways for rendering a CIImage into EXR. We added corresponding methods to CIContext for EXR export that align with the API provided for the other file formats:

// to create a `Data` object containing a 16-bit float EXR representation:
let exrData = try context.exrRepresentation(of: image, format: .RGBAh)

// to write a 32-bit float representation to an EXR file at `url`:
try context.writeEXRRepresentation(of: image, to: url, format: .RGBAf)

For reading EXR files into a CIImage, the usual initializers like CIImage(contentsOf: url) or CIImage(named: “myImage.exr” (see above) can be used.

Note: Also available as async versions.

OpenEXR Test Images

All EXR test images used in this project have been taken from here.

Image Transformations

We added some convenience methods to CIImage to do common affine transformations on an image in a one-liner (instead of working with CGAffineTransform):

// Scaling the image by the given factors in x- and y-direction.
let scaledImage = image.scaledBy(x: 0.5, y: 2.0)
// Translating the image within the working space by the given amount in x- and y-direction.
let translatedImage = image.translatedBy(dx: 42, dy: -321)
// Moving the image's origin within the working space to the given point.
let movedImage = image.moved(to: CGPoint(x: 50, y: 100))
// Moving the center of the image's extent to the given point.
let centeredImage = image.centered(in: .zero)
// Adding a padding of clear pixels around the image, effectively increasing its virtual extent.
let paddedImage = image.paddedBy(dx: 20, dy: 60)

You can also add rounded (transparent) corners to an image like this:

let imageWithRoundedCorners = image.withRoundedCorners(radius: 5)

Image Composition

We added convenience APIs for compositing two images using different blend kernels (not just sourceOver, as in the built-in CIImage.composited(over:) API):

// Compositing the image over the specified background image using the given blend kernel.
let composition = image.composited(over: otherImage, using: .multiply)
// Compositing the image over the specified background image using the given blend kernel in the given color space.
let composition = image.composited(over: otherImage, using: .softLight, colorSpace: .displayP3ColorSpace)

You can also easily colorize an image (i.e., turn all visible pixels into the given color) like this:

// Colorizes visible pixels of the image in the given CIColor.
let colorized = image.colorized(with: .red)

Color Extensions

CIColors usually clamp their component values to [0...1], which is impractical when working with wide gamut and/or extended dynamic range (EDR) colors. One can work around that by initializing the color with an extended color space that allows component values outside of those bounds. We added some convenient extensions for initializing colors with (extended) white and color values. Extended colors will be defined in linear sRGB, meaning a value of 1.0 will match the maximum component value in sRGB. Everything beyond is considered wide gamut.

// Convenience initializer for standard linear sRGB 50% gray.
let gray = CIColor(white: 0.5)
// A bright EDR white, way outside of the standard sRGB range.
let brightWhite = CIColor(extendedWhite: 2.0)
// A bright red color, way outside of the standard sRGB range.
// It will likely be clipped to the maximum value of the target color space when rendering.
let brightRed = CIColor(extendedRed: 2.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0)

We also added a convenience property to get a contrast color (either black or white) that is clearly visible when overlayed over the current color. This can be used, for instance, to colorize text label overlays.

// A color that provide a high contrast to `backgroundColor`.
let labelColor = backgroundColor.contrastColor

Color Space Convenience

A CGColorSpace is usually initialized by its name like this CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.extendedLinearSRGB). This this is rather long, we added some static accessors for the most common color spaces used when working with Core Image for convenience:


These can be nicely used inline like this:

let color = CIColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.5, blue: 0.0, colorSpace: .displayP3ColorSpace)

Text Generation

Core Image can generate images that contain text using CITextImageGenerator and CIAttributedTextImageGenerator. We added extensions to make them much more convenient to use:

// Generating a text image with default settings.
let textImage = CIImage.text("This is text")
// Generating a text image with adjust text settings.
let textImage = CIImage.text("This is text", fontName: "Arial", fontSize: 24, color: .white, padding: 10)
// Generating a text image with a `UIFont` or `NSFont`.
let textImage = CIImage.text("This is text", font: someFont, color: .red, padding: 42)
// Generating a text image with an attributed string.
let attributedTextImage = CIImage.attributedText(someAttributedString, padding: 10)

Runtime Kernel Compilation from Metal Sources

With the legacy Core Image Kernel Language it was possible (and even required) to compile custom kernel routines at runtime from CIKL source strings. For custom kernels written in Metal the sources needed to be compiled (with specific flags) together with the rest of the sources at build-time. While this has the huge benefits of compile-time source checking and huge performance improvements at runtime, it also looses some flexibility. Most notably when it comes to prototyping, since setting up the Core Image Metal build toolchain is rather complicated and loading pre-compiled kernels require some boilerplate code.

New in iOS 15 and macOS 12, however, is the ability to also compile Metal-based kernels at runtime using the CIKernel.kernels(withMetalString:) API. However, this API requires some type checking and boilerplate code to retrieve an actual CIKernel instance of an appropriate type. So we added the following convenience API to ease the process:

let metalKernelCode = """
    #include <CoreImage/CoreImage.h>
    using namespace metal;

    [[ stitchable ]] half4 general(coreimage::sampler_h src) {
        return src.sample(src.coord());
    [[ stitchable ]] half4 otherGeneral(coreimage::sampler_h src) {
        return src.sample(src.coord());
    [[ stitchable ]] half4 color(coreimage::sample_h src) {
        return src;
    [[ stitchable ]] float2 warp(coreimage::destination dest) {
        return dest.coord();
// Load the first kernel that matches the type (CIKernel) from the metal sources.
let generalKernel = try CIKernel.kernel(withMetalString: metalKernelCode) // loads "general" kernel function
// Load the kernel with a specific function name.
let otherGeneralKernel = try CIKernel.kernel(withMetalString: metalKernelCode, kernelName: "otherGeneral")
// Load the first color kernel from the metal sources.
let colorKernel = try CIColorKernel.kernel(withMetalString: metalKernelCode) // loads "color" kernel function
// Load the first warp kernel from the metal sources.
let colorKernel = try CIWarp.kernel(withMetalString: metalKernelCode) // loads "warp" kernel function

⚠️ Important: There are a few limitations to this API:

  • Run-time compilation of Metal kernels is only supported starting from iOS 15 and macOS 12.
  • It only works when the Metal kernels are attributed as [[ stitchable ]]. Please refer to this WWDC talk for details.
  • It only works when the Metal device used by Core Image supports dynamic libraries. You can check MTLDevice.supportsDynamicLibraries to see if runtime compilation of Metal-based CIKernels is supported.
  • CIBlendKernel can't be compiled this way, unfortunately. The CIKernel.kernels(withMetalString:) API just identifies them as CIColorKernel

If your minimum deployment target doesn't yet support runtime compilation of Metal kernels, you can use the following API instead. It allows to provide a backup kernel implementation in CIKL what is used on older system where Metal runtime compilation is not supported:

let metalKernelCode = """
    #include <CoreImage/CoreImage.h>
    using namespace metal;

    [[ stitchable ]] half4 general(coreimage::sampler_h src) {
        return src.sample(src.coord());
let ciklKernelCode = """
    kernel vec4 general(sampler src) {
        return sample(src, samplerTransform(src, destCoord()));
let kernel = try CIKernel.kernel(withMetalString: metalKernelCode, fallbackCIKLString: ciklKernelCode)

Note: It is generally a much better practice to compile Metal CIKernels along with the rest of your and only use runtime compilation as an exception. This way the compiler can check your sources at build-time, and initializing a CIKernel at runtime from pre-compiled sources is much faster. A notable exception might arise when you need a custom kernel inside a Swift package since CI Metal kernels can't be built with Swift packages (yet). But this should only be used as a last resort.

Extensions for Debugging

⚠️ Warning: The following extensions and APIs are only meant to be used in DEBUG mode! Some of them access internal Core Image APIs and they are generally not written to fail gracefully. That's why they are only available when compiling with DEBUG enabled.

All debugging helps can be accessed through a DebugProxy object that can be accessed by calling ciImage.debug, which uses the internal debugging CIContext from Core Image. Alternatively, the debug context can also be specified with ciImage.debug(with: myContext).

Rendering an Image and getting Render Info

When using QuickLook to inspect a CIImage during debugging, Core Image will first render the image and it's filter graph and preset it together in the preview. For complex filter graphs, this might produce and undesirably cluttered preview, or even fail to show the QuickLook preview due to the long processing time.

If you just want to see the rendered image, you can use the following accessor instead that just renders the image and returns it as CGImage, which should preview just fine:

let cgImage = ciImage.debug.cgImage

If you want to know more information of what happens inside of Core Image when rendering the image, you can use the following to obtain a debug RenderInfo:

let renderInfo = ciImage.debug.render() // with optional outputColorSpace parameter

The returned RenderInfo contains information about the render process:

  • image: The rendered image itself as CGImage
  • renderTask: The CIRenderTask, which describes the optimized rendering graph before it is executed by Core Image.
  • renderInfo: The CIRenderInfo, containing runtime information of the rendering as well as the concatenated filter graph

There are also additional accessors for getting the different kind of filter graphs, similar to what CI_PRINT_TREE can generate:

  • initialGraph: A PDFDocument that shows the rendered image as well as the unoptimized filter graph (similar to CI_PRINT_TREE 1 pdf).
  • optimizedGraph: A PDFDocument that shows the optimized filter graph before rendering (the same as CI_PRINT_TREE 2 pdf).
  • programGraph: A PDFDocument that shows runtime information about the rendering as well as the concatenated program filter graph (equivalent to CI_PRINT_TREE 4 pdf).

Getting Image Statistics

The following API can be used to access some basic statistics about the image (min, max, and avg pixel values):

let stats = image.debug.statistics(in: region, colorSpace: .sRGBColorSpace) // both parameters optional
// min: (r:  0.076, g:  0.076, b:  0.076, a:  1.000)
// max: (r:  1.004, g:  1.004, b:  1.004, a:  1.000)
// avg: (r:  0.676, g:  0.671, b:  0.671, a:  1.000)

Keep in mind that the colorSpace influences the pixel values as well as their value range. If no color space was specified, the debug context's workingColorSpace is used.

Exporting an Image and its RenderInfo

CI_PRINT_TREE is a great tool for debugging, bit is also has some major downsides:

  • It needs to be explicitly enabled before running the application.
  • If not configured otherwise, it will generate a lot of filter graphs and it's hard to fine tune it to only log infos about a specific rendering result.
  • It does only print results when invoking actual CIContext render calls. It's not possible to get infos for arbitrary CIImages.
  • The infos are stored in some temporary directory, and especially on iOS it's hard to get them off device for evaluation.

The following APIs can be used to easily export/save an image at any time:

// simple, exporting as 8-bit TIFF in context working space:
// exports the image as file "<AppName>_09-41-00_image.tiff"

// ... or with parameters (see method docs for more details):
ciImage.debug.export(filePrefix: "Debug", codec: .jpeg, format: .RGBA8, quality: 0.7, colorSpace: .sRGBColorSpace)
// exports image as file "Debug_09-41-00_image.jpeg"

An image's render info can also be exported. Exporting the render info will export the image as TIFF file and all three render graphs as PDF files:

ciImage.debug.render().export() // with optional filePrefix parameter
// Exports the following files:
//   <AppName>_09-41-00_image.tiff
//   <AppName>_09-41-00_initial_graph.pdf
//   <AppName>_09-41-00_optimized_graph.pdf
//   <AppName>_09-41-00_program_graph.pdf    

On macOS, calling these methods will trigger the system dialog for choosing a directory to save the files to. On iOS, a system share sheet containing the exported items will open on the main window. It can be used, for instance, to AirDrop the files to a computer, or for saving to Files.

The export methods can be called for any image at any time, even from a break point action.

Note: In case your macOS app is sandboxed, you need to make sure to set the "User Selected File" access entitlement to "Read/Write". Otherwise, the app won't have permission to save the debug files to the selected folder.

Other useful Extensions

CIImage, CIRenderTask, and CIRenderInfo now have a pdfRepresentation that exposes the internal API that is used to generate the filter graphs for QuickLook and CI_PRINT_TREE as PDFDocument. This is useful when QuickLook fails to generate the preview in time for large filter graphs. Just load the pdfRepresentation into a variable and QuickLook it instead.


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Last updated: Thu Jan 23 2025 06:44:41 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)