


What's New


  • Added registerAsSingleton handle.

TriforkSwiftDependencyInjection 💉


Supports Swift Package Manager.


The following models will be used to show the examples in the following sections:

protocol Bread { }
protocol Chocolate { }

struct Croissant : Bread { }
struct PainAuChocolat : Bread, Chocolate { }

protocol Worker { }
class MySingleton : Worker {
    static let shared = MySingleton()
    private init() { }

protocol Planet { }
class Earth : Planet {


Factory functions can be registered via the Resolver by using a protocol type or a key.

Resolver.shared.register(Bread.self, { PainAuChocolat() }) //Result: Will inject new `PainAuChocolat` instances for `Bread` properties.
Resolver.shared.register(Bread.self, key: "🥐", { Croissant() }) //Result: Will inject new `Croissant` instances for `Bread` properties tagged with `"🥐"` key.

// Singletons can be injected in different ways depending on your implementation:
Resolver.shared.register(Worker.self, { MySingleton.shared }) //Result: Will inject the singleton instance of `MySingleton` for `Worker` properties, by invoking the function
Resolver.shared.registerAsSingleton(Worker.self, MySingleton.shared) //Result: Will inject the singleton instance of `MySingleton` for `Worker` properties 
Resolver.shared.registerAsSingleton(Planet.self, Earth()) //Result: Will inject the provided instance of `Earth` as singleton for `Planet` properties

NOTE: Keys are only unique for the specific type they are registered for. This means that the "🥐" key is still available for the Chocolate protocol, eventhough it was used Bread.


By using the Inject property wrapper you will be able to resolve the instances based on the registering.

class Bakery {
    @Inject var bread: Bread // Will be injected with PainAuChocolat()
    @Inject("🥐") var bread2: Bread // Will be injected with Croissant()


What happens if I register the same protocol multiple times?

It will fail with a fatalError telling you, that you are registering the same key multiple times. However, if you really want to do this, it can be done by setting the allowOverride property:

Resolver.shared.allowOverride = true

What happens if I try to resolve a type or key that isn't registers

It will fail with a fatalError telling you that the instance isn't registered.


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Last updated: Thu Dec 05 2024 23:28:25 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)