What's New

4.1 – Autoconformance to synthesized protocols!


Now, lazy containers automatically gain conformance to these protocols when their Value also conforms to them:

  • Equatable
  • Hashable
  • Encodable
  • Decodable

This means that every @Lazy, @ResettableLazy, and @FunctionalLazy field is automatically and transparently made to conform to these just like if they were not lazy!

Important: In order to do this, of course, the value will have to be evaluated. That is, if your @Lazy Hashable field is not yet initialized when you want to get its hash value, then it's automatically initialized first.

Tested on GitHub Actions

swift package manager 5.2 is supported Supports macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, Linux, & Windows

A few ways to have a lazily-initialized value in Swift 5.1. Note that, if you are OK with the behavior of Swift's lazy keyword, you should use that. This is for those who want very specific behaviors:

  • Lazy: A non-resettable lazy pattern, to guarantee lazy behavior across Swift language versions
  • ResettableLazy: A resettable lazy pattern, whose value is generated and cached only when first needed, and can be destroyed when no longer needed.
  • FunctionalLazy: An idea about how to approach the lazy pattern by using functions instead of branches.

Automatic Conformance

The built-in containers (Lazy, ResettableLazy, and FunctionalLazy) automatically conform to Equatable, Hashable, Encodable, and Decodable when their values conform do too! This is a passthrough conformance, simply calling the functions of the wrapped value.

Keep in mind, though, that in order to do this, the value is automatically initialized and accessed!

Compatibility Notice

The entire repository structure had to be changed in order to be compatible with Swift Package Manager (#4). Because of this, the API version changed from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0. Very little of the actual API changed along with this (#8); it was almost entirely to service Swift Package manager.

In version 2.0.0, this readme recommended that you change any reference to ./Lazy.swift to ./LazyContainers/Sources/LazyContainers/LazyContainers.swift. Unfortunately, that wasn't compatible with Swift Package Manager, so ./Lazy.swift was changed to ./Sources/LazyContainers/LazyContainers.swift. Because of this, please change any reference to ./LazyContainers/Sources/LazyContainers/LazyContainers.swift to ./Sources/LazyContainers/LazyContainers.swift. Sorry about that 🤷🏽‍


It's easy to use each of these. Simply place the appropriate one as a property wrapper where you want it.


The simple usage of this is very straightforward:

var myLazyString = "Hello, lazy!"

print(myLazyString) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value "Hello, lazy!"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Hello, lazy!"

myLazyString = "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Overwritten"

This will print:

Hello, lazy!
Hello, lazy!

More complex initializer

If you have complex initializer logic, you can pass that to the property wrapper:

func makeLazyString() -> String {
    print("Initializer side-effect")
    return "Hello, lazy!"

@Lazy(initializer: makeLazyString)
var myLazyString: String

print(myLazyString) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value "Hello, lazy!"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Hello, lazy!"

myLazyString = "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Overwritten"

You can also use it directly (instaed of as a property wrapper):

var myLazyString = Lazy<String>() {
    print("Initializer side-effect")
    return "Hello, lazy!"

print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value "Hello, lazy!"
print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Just returns the value "Hello, lazy!"

myLazyString.wrappedValue = "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Just returns the value "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Just returns the value "Overwritten"

These will both print:

Initializer side-effect
Hello, lazy!
Hello, lazy!


The simple usage of this is very straightforward:

var myLazyString = "Hello, lazy!"

print(myLazyString) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value "Hello, lazy!"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Hello, lazy!"

print(myLazyString) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value "Hello, lazy!"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Hello, lazy!"

myLazyString = "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value  "Hello, lazy!"

This will print:

Hello, lazy!
Hello, lazy!
Hello, lazy!
Hello, lazy!
Hello, lazy!

More complex initializer

If you have complex initializer logic, you can pass that to the property wrapper:

func makeLazyString() -> String {
    print("Initializer side-effect")
    return "Hello, lazy!"

@ResettableLazy(initializer: makeLazyString)
var myLazyString: String

print(myLazyString) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value "Hello, lazy!"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Hello, lazy!"

print(myLazyString) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value "Hello, lazy!"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Hello, lazy!"

myLazyString = "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString) // Just returns the value "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value  "Hello, lazy!"

You can also use it directly (instaed of as a property wrapper):

var myLazyString = ResettableLazy<String>() {
    print("Initializer side-effect")
    return "Hello, lazy!"

print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value "Hello, lazy!"
print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Just returns the value "Hello, lazy!"

print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value "Hello, lazy!"
print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Just returns the value "Hello, lazy!"

myLazyString.wrappedValue = "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Just returns the value "Overwritten"
print(myLazyString.wrappedValue) // Initializes, caches, and returns the value  "Hello, lazy!"

These will both print:

Initializer side-effect
Hello, lazy!
Hello, lazy!
Initializer side-effect
Hello, lazy!
Hello, lazy!
Initializer side-effect
Hello, lazy!


This is functionally (ha!) the same as Lazy. The only difference is I thought it'd be fun to implement it with functions instead of enums. 🤓


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Last updated: Sun Mar 09 2025 08:37:11 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)