SwiftUI Apple Watch Decimal Pad


A dirty fix for Apple's missing decimal pad for watchOS

What's New

Version 1.0.4


What's Changed

  • Fix issue where this package was interfering with SwiftUI previews by @andylin2004 in #7
  • The default icon is no longer "Done" for completion but an icon label (in the future it would be nice to support different labels)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.0.3...1.0.4

SwiftUI Apple Watch Decimal Pad

With SwiftUI currently, Apple has not provided a decimal keypad for watchOS. Nor have they provided the ability to switch input types on a TextField() for watchOS. This is my kinda dirty fix.

Apple Watch 44mm

Demo of Keyboard 44mm Screen Size

Apple Watch 38mm

Demo of Keyboard 38mm Screen Size

Installation Instructions

WatchOS also has a weird issue with Swift Packages where you have to manually add the framework to the Watch Extension.

File > Swift Packages > add Package Dependecy... paste https://github.com/ApplebaumIan/SwiftUI-Apple-Watch-Decimal-Pad.git into the search bar. Once installed navigate to your Xcode Project and select the General tab. Select your watchOS Extension target and scroll to Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content click the + button and add SwiftUI Apple Watch Decimal Pad framework.

You should now be able to add import SwiftUI_Apple_Watch_Decimal_Pad to the top of your desired Swift file.


import SwiftUI
import SwiftUI_Apple_Watch_Decimal_Pad
struct ContentView: View {
	@State public var presentingModal: Bool
	var body: some View {
		DigiTextView(placeholder: placeholder, 
			text: text,
			presentingModal: presentingModal

If you would like to set the alignment of the text withing the Textfield:

DigiTextView(placeholder: placeholder,
	text: text, 
	presentingModal: presentKeyboard,
+	alignment: .leading

If you would like to use the Decimil Pad version of the keyboard:

DigiTextView(placeholder: placeholder,
	text: text, 
	presentingModal: presentKeyboard,
	alignment: .leading,
+ 	style: .decimal


  • Swift Tools 5.3.0
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  • None
Last updated: Fri Oct 25 2024 15:41:25 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)