Important The current version of Suture
works on Swift 5.0 nd above, only. For Swift 4.x please use vesion 0.2.2
A Future
is a thin a wrapper around a computation that might or might not be asynchronous, and that can take less or more time.
You create a Future
by initializing it with a closure that performs the computation, and that notifies when the computation is complete:
let future = Future<Int, Error> { resolver in resolver(.value(19)) }
The above code creates a future that gets resolved with the value 19.
Futures report Result
instances, thus a Result
instance will need to be passed to the resolver.
Failures of the future can be reported via the failure
Another example:
let future = Future<String, Error> { resolver in resolver(.value(expensiveComputation())) }.working(on: someDispatchQueue) }
The above future executes the expensive computation on some background queue.
Futures can be observed via the get
and wait
future.get { result in
switch result {
case let .value(value): print("Success: \(value)")
case let .error(error): print("Error: \(error)")
// or synchronously
let result = future.wait()
Convenience methods exist for observing only success or failure:
.get(onValue: { print("Success: \($0)") }
onError: { print("Error: \($0)") })
Note get
might not run always report the future result in an asynchronous manner. The behaviour of the method depends on how the worker provides the result. Also the get
closure is not guaranteed to run on the caller thread, if you want to ensure a specific thread you need to use notifying(on:)
let future = Future<Double, Error> { resolver in
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1.0) { resolver(.value(9)) }
return Cancelable()
.get(onValue: { print("Value: \($0)") })
The above code prints "Value: 3"
Check Cocoa+Suture
for some Foundation
allows the following transformations:
This operator creates a new Future
that reports the transformed result. It comes in the following flavors:
:func map<T>(_ transform: @escaping (Result<Success, Failure>) -> Result<NewSuccess, Failure>) -> Future<NewSuccess, Failure>
:func mapSuccess<NewSuccess>(_ transform: @escaping (Success) -> NewSuccess) -> Future<NewSuccess, Failure>
:func mapFailure(_ transform: @escaping (Failure) throws -> Success) -> Future<Success, Failure>
This operator allow to specify continuations to future.
: func flatMap<NewSuccess>(_ transform: @escaping (Result<Success, Failure>) -> Future<NewSuccess, Failure>) -> Future<NewSuccess, Failure>
:func flatMapSuccess<NewSuccess>(_ transform: @escaping (Success) -> Future<NewSuccess, Failure>) -> Future<NewSuccess, Failure> {
:func flatMapFailure(_ transform: @escaping (Failure) -> Future) -> Future<Success, Failure>
Creates a future that retries the worker until either it succeeds, or it fails the specified amount of times
func retry(_ times: Int) -> Future<Success, Failure>
Creates a future that holds on the received value result. Subsequent observer registrations will receive the same result, without triggering a new worked execution.
func keep() -> Future<Success, Failure>
Creates a future that waits for all other futures to complete. If one of them fails, it instantly report that failure
static func when(all futures: [Future]) -> Future<[Success], Failure>
Creates a future that reports the success of the first future that succeds, or the error of the last future that fails, if all fail
static func when(firstOf futures: [Future]) -> Future
Suture is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Suture'
Suture is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.