Creates a cross-platform Radio Button Picker that allow the user to select from a small group of options by presenting a list of SwiftletRadioButton
objects that the user can tap on to select one items from the list.
If you find SwiftletRadioButton
useful and would like to help support its continued development and maintenance, please consider making a small donation, especially if you are using it in a commercial product:
It's through the support of contributors like yourself, I can continue to build, release and maintain high-quality, well documented Swift Packages like SwiftletRadioButton
for free.
Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 and above)
- In Xcode, select the File > Add Package Dependency… menu item.
- Paste
in the dialog box. - Follow the Xcode's instruction to complete the installation.
Why not CocoaPods, or Carthage, or blank?
Supporting multiple dependency managers makes maintaining a library exponentially more complicated and time consuming.
Since, the Swift Package Manager is integrated with Xcode 11 (and greater), it's the easiest choice to support going further.
The SwiftletRadioButtonPicker
works best when presenting a very limited number of options to the user. For example: selecting Male or Female.
Generally this Picker should only be used for six or less options on platforms like iOS. When the user need to select from a greater number of options, you'll be better suited using one of the standard, built-in SwiftUI Picker views.
The following code will create a Picker with four options in iOS:
SwiftletRadioButtonPicker(alignment: .grid, columns: 3, selection:"2")
.radioButton(id: "0", name: "Option One")
.radioButton(id: "1", name: "Option Two")
.radioButton(id: "2", name: "Option Three")
.radioButton(id: "3", name: "Option Four")
Which would display a view like the following:
Optionally, you can feed any Enum that has a raw value and conforms to CaseIterable, Identifiable
to the radioButtons
function and the Picker will automatically generate a list of Radio Buttons from the Enum.
Given the following Enum:
/// Defines the format of the barcode to be generated.
public enum BarcodeFormat:String, Codable, Equatable, CaseIterable, Identifiable {
/// Sepcifies a type 128 barcode.
case code128 = "CICode128BarcodeGenerator"
/// Sepcifies a type PDF 417 barcode.
case pdf417 = "CIPDF417BarcodeGenerator"
/// Sepcifies an Aztec type barcode.
case aztec = "CIAztecCodeGenerator"
/// Sepcifies a QR Code type barcode.
case qrCode = "CIQRCodeGenerator"
public var id:String {
return rawValue
/// Sets the enum from the given `String` value.
/// - Parameter name: The `String` name that matches a case from the enum.
/// - Remark: Will default to `code128` if the name cannot be found.
public mutating func fromName(_ name:String) {
switch(name.lowercased()) {
case "code128":
self = .code128
case "pdf417":
self = .pdf417
case "aztec":
self = .aztec
case "qrcode":
self = .qrCode
self = .code128
And the following code to call the Picker:
SwiftletRadioButtonPicker(alignment: .grid, title:"Select barcode format:", columns: 3, selection:"code128") { button in
.radioButtons(from: BarcodeFormat.self)
Would create a Picker that looks similar to the following on iOS:
The Package includes full DocC Documentation for all features.