

Library to transform transactions from financial institutions into Beancount files

What's New

0.7.0 EquatePlus Importer



🚀 Features

  • Add text based equate plus importer @Nef10 (#285)

🧰 Maintenance

  • Fix typo in ManuLife importer help @Nef10 (#284)

📦 Dependencies

  • Bump release-drafter from 5.25.0 to 6.0.0 @file-sync-app (#290)
  • Bump sticky-pull-request-comment from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0 @file-sync-app (#289)


CI Status Documentation percentage License: MIT Latest version platforms supported: linux | macOS | iOS | watchOS | tvOS SPM compatible

This project is part for SwiftBeanCount, please check out the main documentation here.


This is the importer of SwiftBeanCount. It reads files to create transactions. This library does not include any UI, so consumers need to provide a UI for selecting accounts, settings, as well as editing of transactions.

How to use

Import Transactions

  1. Create an Importer via one of the new functions on the ImporterFactory, depending on what you want to import.
  2. Set your delegate on the importer.
  3. Call load() on the importer.
  4. Call nextTransaction() to retrive transaction after transactions till it returns nil. It is recommended to allow the user the edit the transactions while doing this, as long as shouldAllowUserToEdit is true.
  5. If the user edits the transaction, and you offer and they accept to save the new mapping, call saveMapped(description:payee:accountName:).
  6. Get balancesToImport() and pricesToImport() from the importer.


There are settings for the date tolerance when detecting duplicate transactions, as well as for the mapping the user saved in step 5) of importing transactions. Your app can allow the user to view and edit these via the Settings object. Settings are by default stored in UserDefaults but you can bring your own SettingsStorage by setting Settings.storage.


Each Importer provides a help text. You can access all importers via ImporterFactory.allImporters. They each expose an importerName and helpText on the class.


Please check out the complete documentation here, or have a look at the SwiftBeanCountImporterApp which uses this library.


The library supports the Swift Package Manger, so simply add a dependency in your Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/Nef10/SwiftBeanCountImporter.git", .exact("X.Y.Z")),

Note: as per semantic versioning all versions changes < 1.0.0 can be breaking, so please use .exact for now


  • Swift Tools 5.3.0
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Last updated: Sun Feb 16 2025 20:49:49 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)