
Lean's LinkSDK for iOS

What's New



What's Changed

  • Sending error callback on close instead of success


This SDK supports iOS 11+ and requires XCode 12.5.X and above

Lean's Link iOS SDK is a framework, distributed as a binary xcframework for simulators and iPhone devices, used by developers to let their end users connect their bank accounts through a series of easy steps in a friendly UI.


Swift Package Manager

To connect this repository to your project via Swift Package Manager. In XCode go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter the URL for this repository.

Please note: You must have github connected to XCode for SPM to work.


You can download the LeanSDK.xcframework file manually here.

You can then add it to your project the same way you would with any other framework dependency.

Usage with Swift UI

Once the package has been added to your project, you should initialize the SDK within your app.

To get started call Lean.manager.setup(appToken, sandbox) this will set the application token and sandbox environment during runtime of your application.

// TestApp.Swift

import SwiftUI
import LeanSDK

class LeanTestAppApp: App {

    required init() {
            appToken: "YOUR_APP_TOKEN",
            sandbox: true,
            version: "1.25.0"

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

In Swift UI you must set up a LeanView for your further calls to populate into. You can do this with Lean.manager.generateView() - in the example below you can see how to use Lean.manager to make a link call.

// ContentView.swift

import SwiftUI
import LeanSDK

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var isPresented = false
    var linkPermissions = [LeanPermission.Identity, LeanPermission.Accounts,
                       LeanPermission.Transactions, LeanPermission.Balance]

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Link", action: { handleLink() })
        .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $isPresented, content: {

    func handleLink() {
            .link(customerId: String, permissions: linkPermissions,
            customization: LeanCustomization?,
            success: { (status) in
                print("Entity Linked")
                isPresented = false
            }, error: { (status) in
                isPresented = false
    isPresented = true

Setting the version

version takes a String and can point to either a specific SDK version i.e. "1.25.0" or an alias i.e. "latest".

We recommend passing in a specific version to ensure stability in the case that a change to the SDK breaks your application.

latest is subject to change at relatively short notice - but does allow for any bugfixes to shipped over the air - meaning fixes can be applied without the need to resubmit your application to the app store.

A QA version of the SDK is available with next-release and should only be used in test applications to ensure that the next latest patch will not break your implementation of the LinkSDK.

Setting the language

language is set in Lean.manager.setup. It is optional and defaults to nil, in which case it will default to English.

If you wish to provide a value you can provide a String either "en" for English, "ar" for Arabic.


    language: "ar"

Setting the country

In most cases you don't need to set a country, but if you're operating in KSA you may need to. Speak with our integrations team if you're not sure.

country is set in Lean.manager.setup. It is optional and defaults to nil, in which case no specific country is set.


    country: LeanCountry.SaudiArabia

Usage with View Controllers

When using LinkSDK with standard MVC swift - you must initialize the SDK and provide the SDK with a View Controller to present itself inside.

// ViewController.swift

import UIKit
import LeanSDK

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    var linkPermissions = [LeanPermission.Identity, LeanPermission.Accounts,
                        LeanPermission.Transactions, LeanPermission.Balance]

    override func ViewDidLoad() {
            appToken: "YOUR_APP_TOKEN",
            sandbox: true,
            version: "1.25.0",
        @IBAction func handleLink(_ sender: Any) {
        Lean.manager.link(presentingViewController: self, customerId: CUSTOMER_ID, permissions: linkPermissions, bankId: nil, success: { status in
            print("Entity Linked")
        }, error: { status in


The LinkSDK has 5 methods to connect and manage your customer's Accounts, Data and Payments.

Each of these methods is available through Lean.manager.{METHOD}()

.link() allows your customer to connect their bank account for the Data API - allowing you to access accounts, balances and transactions. To link an account for Payments, see the createPaymentSource() Method.

    presentingViewController: self: UIViewController,
    customerId: String,
    permissions: Array<LeanPermissions>,
    bankId: bankId?
    customization: LeanCustomization?,
    success: { (status) in ... executes code on success },
    error: { (status) in ... executes code on failure }

LeanPermissions are an array of ENUMs available through the LeanSDK package. Available values are:

  • LeanPermissions.Identity
  • LeanPermissions.Accounts
  • LeanPermission.Transactions
  • LeanPermission.Balance


.reconnect() allows you to reconnect and entity - when you make a call to the Data API that requires reconnection - you will receieve a reconnect_id for this flow.

    presentingViewController: self,
    reconnectId: reconnectId,
    customization: LeanCustomization?,
    success: { (status) in ... executes code on success },
    error: { (status) in ... executes code on failure }


Create a payment source from your customer's bank account.

    presentingViewController: self,
    customerId: customerId,
    bankId: bankId?,
    customization: LeanCustomization?,
    success: { (status) in ... executes code on success },
    error: { (status) in ... executes code on failure }


The updatePaymentSource method is used to authorize an additional payment destination for an existing payment source in the Payments API.

    presentingViewController: self,
    customerId: customerId,
    paymentSourceId: paymentSourceId,
    paymentDestinationId: paymentDestinationId,
    customization: LeanCustomization?,
    success: { (status) in ... executes code on success },
    error: { (status) in ... executes code on failure }


Initiate a payment from a customer's bank account.

    presentingViewController: self,
    paymentIntentId: paymentIntentId,
    accountId: accountId?,
    customization: LeanCustomization?,
    success: { (status) in ... executes code on success },
    error: { (status) in ... executes code on failure }


Connect a bank account and create an Entity for the Data API and a Payment Source for the Payment API with a single sign on.

    presentingViewController: self: UIViewController,
    customerId: String,
    permissions: Array<LeanPermissions>,
    bankId: bankId?
    paymentDestinationId: paymentDestinationId?
    customization: LeanCustomization?,
    success: { (status) in ... executes code on success },
    error: { (status) in ... executes code on failure }

LeanPermissions are an array of ENUMs available through the LeanSDK package. Available values are:

  • LeanPermissions.Identity
  • LeanPermissions.Accounts
  • LeanPermission.Transactions
  • LeanPermission.Balance
  • LeanPermission.Payments


Success responses will allow you to execute code upon the success of the LinkSDK flow you have called.

Error responses return a struct with the following details:

struct LeanStatus {
    method: String,
    status: String,
    message: String?,
    lastApiResponse: String?,
    exitPoint: String?,
    secondaryStatus: String?,
    bankDetails: {
      bankIdentifier: String?,
      isSupported: Bool?
Attribute Description
method The method called by the SDK, can be LINK, RECONNECT, CREATE_PAYMENT_SOURCE or PAY
status The end status of the call, can be ERROR or CANCELLED - if cancelled this means the user exited the flow.
message Further details on the reason for the error, or where the user exited the flow. This is an optional.
lastApiResponse The last API response status recieved from Lean. This is an optional.
exitPoint The last screen shown before the user closed the SDK
secondaryStatus More details on the main status - for example INVALID_CREDENTIALS
bankDetails.bankIdentifier The ID of the selected bank
bankDetails.isSupported Whether the selected bank is supported or not

You can read more in depth documentation by going to our API Documentation

Open banking

In order to show Open Banking enabled banks to the end user you must provide failRedirectUrl and successRedirectUrl to each relevant method initialisation call.

For example

    failRedirectUrl: String?,
    successRedirectUrl: String?


You can customize the UI of LinkSDK using LeanCustomization.

Colors should be provided as valid CSS color formats - color name, HEX, RGB, RBGA (comma separated)

var customConfig = LeanCustomization(
    buttonTextColor: String?,
    buttonBorderRadius: String?,
    linkColor: String?,
    overlayColor: String?,
    themeColor: String?,
    dialogMode: String?
    customization: customConfig,

Accepted color strings

Type Value
Name "blue"
Hex "#0000ff"
RGB "rgb(0,0,255)"
RGBA "rgba(0,0,0,255,0.5)"


  • Swift Tools 5.3.0
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  • None
Last updated: Thu Apr 11 2024 09:03:06 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)