This package is part of the SNAP suite.
Contains shared code to use with the snap-app-template.
This package is part of the SNAP suite.
Contains shared code to use with the snap-app-template.
{ "name": "snap-template-shared", "path": "/usr/src/package", "targets": [ { "name": "SnapTemplateSharedTests", "path": "Tests/SnapTemplateSharedTests", "type": "test", "c99name": "SnapTemplateSharedTests", "sources": [ "SnapTemplateSharedTests.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", "target_dependencies": [ "SnapTemplateShared" ] }, { "name": "SnapTemplateShared", "path": "Sources/SnapTemplateShared", "type": "library", "c99name": "SnapTemplateShared", "sources": [ "Container.swift", "Settings/AccentColor/AccentColorPicker.swift", "Settings/AccentColor/Settings+AccentColor.swift", "Settings/ConfigureTab/ConfigureTabs+InitialPicker.swift", "Settings/ConfigureTab/ConfigureTabs+List.swift", "Settings/ConfigureTab/ConfigureTabs+ListRow.swift", "Settings/ConfigureTab/ConfigureTabsScreen.swift", "Settings/ConfigureTab/Settings+NavigationTabs.swift", "Settings/ConfigureTab/TabConfiguration.swift", "Settings/DisplayMode/DisplayMode.swift", "Settings/DisplayMode/Settings+DisplayMode.swift", "Settings/Header/SettingsHeaderSection.swift", "Settings/IconKeys+Settings.swift", "Settings/NavigationLayout/NavigationLayout.swift", "Settings/NavigationLayout/Settings+NavigationLayout.swift", "Settings/Views/SettingsPicker.swift", "Settings/Views/SettingsRow.swift", "Settings/Views/SettingsToggle.swift", "Settings/Views/ThemeSceneSettings.swift", "SnapNavigationSplitView.swift", "TemplateAppStructure/TemplateContent.swift", "TemplateAppStructure/TemplateDepencencies+ViewModifier.swift", "TemplateAppStructure/TemplateDependencies.swift", "TemplateAppStructure/TemplateState+Environment.swift", "TemplateAppStructure/TemplateState.swift" ], "module_type": "SwiftTarget", "product_memberships": [ "SnapTemplateShared" ], "product_dependencies": [ "SnapCore", "SnapTheme", "SnapSettingsService", "SnapMatchingNavigation" ] } ], "products": [ { "name": "SnapTemplateShared", "type": { "library": [ "automatic" ] }, "targets": [ "SnapTemplateShared" ] } ], "platforms": [ { "name": "ios", "version": "17.0" }, { "name": "macos", "version": "14.0" } ], "dependencies": [ { "url": "", "type": "sourceControl", "identity": "snap-core", "requirement": { "branch": [ "main" ] } }, { "url": "", "type": "sourceControl", "identity": "snap-theme", "requirement": { "branch": [ "main" ] } }, { "url": "", "type": "sourceControl", "identity": "snap-settings-service", "requirement": { "branch": [ "main" ] } }, { "url": "", "type": "sourceControl", "identity": "snap-matching-navigation", "requirement": { "branch": [ "main" ] } } ], "tools_version": "5.10", "manifest_display_name": "snap-template-shared" }
{ "name": "snap-template-shared", "targets": [ { "name": "SnapTemplateShared", "type": "regular", "exclude": [], "settings": [ { "kind": { "enableExperimentalFeature": { "_0": "StrictConcurrency" } }, "tool": "swift" } ], "resources": [], "dependencies": [ { "product": [ "SnapCore", "snap-core", null, null ] }, { "product": [ "SnapTheme", "snap-theme", null, null ] }, { "product": [ "SnapSettingsService", "snap-settings-service", null, null ] }, { "product": [ "SnapMatchingNavigation", "snap-matching-navigation", null, null ] } ], "packageAccess": true }, { "name": "SnapTemplateSharedTests", "type": "test", "exclude": [], "settings": [], "resources": [], "dependencies": [ { "byName": [ "SnapTemplateShared", null ] } ], "packageAccess": true } ], "products": [ { "name": "SnapTemplateShared", "type": { "library": [ "automatic" ] }, "targets": [ "SnapTemplateShared" ] } ], "pkgConfig": null, "platforms": [ { "options": [], "version": "17.0", "platformName": "ios" }, { "options": [], "version": "14.0", "platformName": "macos" } ], "providers": null, "packageKind": { "root": [ "/usr/src/package" ] }, "dependencies": [ { "sourceControl": [ { "identity": "snap-core", "location": { "remote": [ { "urlString": "" } ] }, "requirement": { "branch": [ "main" ] }, "productFilter": null } ] }, { "sourceControl": [ { "identity": "snap-theme", "location": { "remote": [ { "urlString": "" } ] }, "requirement": { "branch": [ "main" ] }, "productFilter": null } ] }, { "sourceControl": [ { "identity": "snap-settings-service", "location": { "remote": [ { "urlString": "" } ] }, "requirement": { "branch": [ "main" ] }, "productFilter": null } ] }, { "sourceControl": [ { "identity": "snap-matching-navigation", "location": { "remote": [ { "urlString": "" } ] }, "requirement": { "branch": [ "main" ] }, "productFilter": null } ] } ], "toolsVersion": { "_version": "5.10.0" }, "cLanguageStandard": null, "cxxLanguageStandard": null, "swiftLanguageVersions": null }
{ "url": "/usr/src/package", "name": "snap-template-shared", "path": "/usr/src/package", "version": "unspecified", "identity": "package", "dependencies": [ { "url": "", "name": "snap-core", "path": "/usr/src/package/.build/checkouts/snap-core", "version": "unspecified", "identity": "snap-core", "dependencies": [] }, { "url": "", "name": "snap-theme", "path": "/usr/src/package/.build/checkouts/snap-theme", "version": "unspecified", "identity": "snap-theme", "dependencies": [ { "url": "", "name": "snap-core", "path": "/usr/src/package/.build/checkouts/snap-core", "version": "unspecified", "identity": "snap-core", "dependencies": [] } ] }, { "url": "", "name": "snap-settings-service", "path": "/usr/src/package/.build/checkouts/snap-settings-service", "version": "unspecified", "identity": "snap-settings-service", "dependencies": [ { "url": "", "name": "snap-core", "path": "/usr/src/package/.build/checkouts/snap-core", "version": "unspecified", "identity": "snap-core", "dependencies": [] } ] }, { "url": "", "name": "snap-matching-navigation", "path": "/usr/src/package/.build/checkouts/snap-matching-navigation", "version": "unspecified", "identity": "snap-matching-navigation", "dependencies": [] } ] }