mogif — a command for creating a animated GIF with characters for OS X.
mogif requires OS X 10.11 or greater.
To install the latest version of mogif, you can download here.
Usage: mogif [options]
-c, --characters:
Characters for creating GIF image.
-o, --output:
Path to the output file.
-f, --frameDelay:
Frame Delay. 1 means 1 second, 0.5 means half a second. (Default: 1.0)
-l, --loopCount:
Loop Count. 0 means loop forever. (Default: 0)
-h, --help:
Prints a help message.
$ mogif -c ABC
$ mogif -f 0.5 -c 🙎🙆
$ mogif -f 0.8 -c 😴💤
$ git submodule init
$ git submodile update
- Open
- Build (command + B)