

Xcode snippet manager

What's New

Added some lists


Added -l option for listing available repos
Added -o option for opening snippets folder


XCSnippets is a command line utility for installing XCode snippets from git repositories.

Brew installation

brew tap dtaylor1701/formulae
brew install xcsnippets


xcsnippets username/repo

The above will get all codesnippets in the root of the github repository given and install them into the current user's xcode data.

Any git respository can be used by supplying the full path.

xcsnippets "https://github.com/dtaylor1701/XCUISnippets.git"

Use the -r flag to replace existing snippets of the same name. This is useful for installing updates to snippets that have already been downloaded.

xcsnippets -r "https://github.com/dtaylor1701/XCUISnippets.git"

Other Functions

The -n option will use the title of each snippet to name any unnamed files in the xcode snippets folder.

xcsnippets -n

To open the snippets folder, use -o

xcsnippets -o

A list of snippets is maintained here. Take a look with -l. Please open a PR if you'd like to add a repo!

xcsnippets -l


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Last updated: Tue Mar 12 2024 06:52:29 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)