HParallaxHeader is a simple version from:
HPParallaxHeader is a simple view which contains header and can recognize sub scroll views automatically.
Demo |
- Inheriting your content view with HParallaxHeader and connect header, content and loading (optional), e.g:
let headerContainer = HParallaxHeader()
headerContainer.contentHeaderView = headerMain
headerContainer.mainContentView = contentMain
headerContainer.loadingView = loadingMain
headerContainer.headerContainerView.headerHeight = 100
- Or simply drag and drop the outlet to your view on xib
You can use Swift Package Manager directly within Xcode or add it to the dependencies
value of your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/traitanhong98/ParallaxHeader", branch: "main")
HParallaxHeader is available under the MIT license.