

Kurrent Databse (EventStore) gRPC Client SDK in Swift.

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EventStore Database gRPC Client SDK in Swift.

Implementation Status

  • Client Settings ☑️ ConnectionString parsed ☑️ Endpoint (ip, port) ☑️ UserCredentials ( username, password ) 🔲 Gossip ClusterMode

  • Stream ☑️ Append ☑️ Read ☑️ Metadata { set , get } ☑️ Subscribe Specified Stream ☑️ Subscribe All Stream

  • Projection ☑️ Create ☑️ Update ☑️ Result ☑️ Delete ☑️ Enable ☑️ Disable ☑️ Enable ☑️ State ☑️ Statistics ☑️ Reset ☑️ RestartSubsystem

  • PersistentSubscriptions ☑️ Create ☑️ Delete ☑️ GetInfo ☑️ List ☑️ Read ☑️ ReplayParked ☑️ RestartSubsystem ☑️ Subscribe ☑️ Update

  • User ☑️ Create ☑️ Details

Getting the gRPC library

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is the preferred way to get EventStoreDB. Simply add the package dependency to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "", branch: "main")

...and depend on "EventStoreDB" in the necessary targets:

  name: ...,
  dependencies: [.product(name: "EventStoreDB", package: "eventstoredb-swift")]



import EventStoreDB

// Using a client settings for a single node configuration by parsing a connection string.
let settings: ClientSettings = .parse(connectionString: "esdb://admin:changeit@localhost:2113")

// convenience 
let settings: ClientSettings = "esdb://admin:changeit@localhost:2113".parse()

// using string literal 
let settings: ClientSettings = "esdb://admin:changeit@localhost:2113"

//using constructor
let settings: ClientSettings = .localhost()

// settings with credentials
let settings: ClientSettings = .localhost(userCredentials: .init(username: "admin", 
                                                                   password: "changeit")

//settings with credentials with adding ssl file by path
let settings: ClientSettings = .localhost(userCredentials: .init(username: "admin", 
                                                                            password: "changeit"), 
                                                                 trustRoots: .file("...filePath..."))

//or add ssl file with bundle
let settings: ClientSettings = .localhost(userCredentials: .init(username: "admin", 
                                                                 password: "changeit"), 
                                                                 trustRoots: .fileInBundle(forResource: "ca", 
                                                                                           withExtension: "crt", 
                                                                                           inBundle: .main))

Appending Event

import EventStoreDB

// Using a client settings for a single node configuration by parsing a connection string.
let settings: ClientSettings = .localhost()

// Create the data array of events.
let events:[EventData] = [
            .json(id: .init(
                uuidString: "b989fe21-9469-4017-8d71-9820b8dd1164")!,
                type: "ItemAdded",
                  content: ["Description": "Xbox One S 1TB (Console)"]),
            .json(id: .init(
                uuidString: "b989fe21-9469-4017-8d71-9820b8dd1174")!,
                type: "ItemAdded",
                content: "Gears of War 4")

let streamIdentifier = Stream.Identifier(name: "stream_for_testing")
let client = try EventStoreDB.Client(settings: settings)

let appendResponse = try await client.appendStream(to: streamIdentifier, events: events) { options in

Read Event

import EventStoreDB

// Using a client setting to `EventStoreDBClient` by default.
let settings: ClientSettings = .localhost()

//prepare an identifier for a stream by a name.
let streamIdentifier = Stream.Identifier(name: "stream_for_testing")

//Check the event is appended into testing stream.
let client = try EventStoreDB.Client(settings: settings)
let readResponses = try client.readStream(to: streamIdentifier, cursor: .end) { options in
    options.set(uuidOption: .string)
        .countBy(limit: 1)

for await response in readResponses {
    //handle response


import EventStoreDB

// Using a client settings for a single node configuration by parsing a connection string.
let settings: ClientSettings = .localhost()

let streamName = "stream_for_testing"

let client = try EventStoreDB.Client(settings: settings)
try await client.createPersistentSubscription(streamName: streamName, groupName: "mytest", options: .init())
import EventStoreDB

// Using a client settings for a single node configuration by parsing a connection string.
let settings: ClientSettings = .localhost()

let streamName = "stream_for_testing"

let client = try EventStoreDB.Client(settings: settings)

let subscription = try await client.subscribePersistentSubscriptionTo(.specified(streamName), groupName: "mytest")

for try await result in subscription {
    // handle result
    // ack the readEvent if succeed 
    try await subscription.ack(readEvents: result.event)
    // else nack thr readEvent if not succeed.
    try await subscription.nack(readEvents: result.event, action: .park, reason: "It's failed.")


  • Swift Tools 5.9.0
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Last updated: Thu Mar 13 2025 22:14:34 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)