

Command line argument parser written in Swift.

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Command line argument parser. Bouncer does all the heavy lifting for you. Dive into business logic in no time.

Table of Contents



git-mock init . -q --bare --separate-git-dir=../git_dir --shared --template ../template/git-template

and grab values.

let directory         = operands[optional: 0]
let quiet             = optionValues.have(quietOption)
let bare              = optionValues.have(bareOption)
let templateDirectory = optionValues.findOptionalArgument(for: templateOption)
let gitDirectory      = optionValues.findOptionalArgument(for: separateGitDirOption)
let shared            = optionValues.findOptionalArgument(for: sharedOption)


Add Bouncer to Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "0.1.2")

Now import!

import Bouncer

let program = Program(commands: [])


Configuration for option like --path, -h, --path ./temp or -p./temp. Check regular expressions for matching option in OptionNameRegex.swift.

Property Type Description
name String Name of option ([[:alnum:]\-]+).
shortName Character? Short name of option.
optional Bool If option is optional or not for the command. Used for validation.
argumentType OptionArgumentType Option argument type. None, optional, optional with default value or required.


Basically, all of arguments following command are operands. Of course, except options and option arguments.

Configuration for command.

Property Type Description
name [String] Name of the command. Sub command can be easily expressed like ["container", "start"].
operandType OperandType Operand type. Define command accepts how many operands.
options [Option] Available options.
handler CommandHandler This block will be called with validated operands and option values. There are extensions for getting specific values from operand value array and option value array.

Program is initialized with commands. Use program object to parse and run command.


import Bouncer

let quietOption =          Option(name: "quiet", shortName: "q", optional: true, argumentType: .none)
let bareOption =           Option(name: "bare", optional: true, argumentType: .none)
let templateOption =       Option(name: "template", optional: true, argumentType: .required)
let separateGitDirOption = Option(name: "separate-git-dir", optional: true, argumentType: .required)
let sharedOption =         Option(name: "shared", optional: true, argumentType: .optional("group"))

let initCommand = Command(
    name: ["init"],
    operandType: .optionalEqual(1),
    options: [quietOption, bareOption, templateOption, separateGitDirOption, sharedOption]
) { program, command, operands, optionValues in
    let directory = operands[optional: 0]
    let quiet = optionValues.have(quietOption)
    let bare = optionValues.have(bareOption)
    let templateDirectory = optionValues.findOptionalArgument(for: templateOption)
    let gitDirectory = optionValues.findOptionalArgument(for: separateGitDirOption)
    let shared = optionValues.findOptionalArgument(for: sharedOption)

            init command <>

            directory    : \(directory ?? "nil")
            quiet        : \(quiet)
            bare         : \(bare)
            template dir : \(templateDirectory ?? "nil")
            git dir      : \(gitDirectory ?? "nil")
            shared       : \(shared ?? "nil")

import Bouncer

let program = Program(commands: [initCommand])

let arguments = Array(CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst())
try? arguments)

Case 1


git-mock init .


init command <>

directory    : .
quiet        : false
bare         : false
template dir : nil
git dir      : nil
shared       : nil

Case 2


git-mock init repository/dir --shared --template=../template --separate-git-dir ../.git --bare


init command <>

directory    : repository/dir
quiet        : false
bare         : true
template dir : ../template
git dir      : ../.git
shared       : group


If you have good idea or suggestion? Please, don't hesitate to open a pull request or send me an email.

Hope you enjoy building command line tool with Bouncer!


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Last updated: Sun Mar 09 2025 11:49:33 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)