SSSwiftUIGIFView is a custom controller designed to help load GIFs in SwiftUI. It supports loading GIFs from remote URLs, is compatible with both iOS and macOS, and implements a caching mechanism to improve loading times and reduce data usage. |
SSAppUpdater is an open-source framework that compares the current version of the app with the store version and returns the essential details of it like app URL, new app version number, new release note, etc. So you can either redirect or notify the user to update their app. |
A custom view to enter a code usually used in authentication. Different types of OTPViews. Easy to use and configure your own view and character of OTP using all the attributes. |
SSToastMessage is written purely in SwiftUI. It will add toast, alert, and floating message view over the top of any view. It is intended to be simple, lightweight, and easy to use. It will be a popup with a single line of code. |
SSStoryStatus: Elevate your SwiftUI projects with seamless user list integration and captivating story displays. Empowering developers with effortless integration and complete UI customization, this versatile library makes showcasing stories a breeze. |
'SSCustomTabbar' /usr/src/package: error: invalid custom path 'SSCustomTabbar/Classes' for target 'SSCustomTabbar'