

Similar to `import SwiftUI`, this allows you to `import SwiftUIPlus` to get access to all frameworks you commonly use.

What's New


Initial release.

Foundation Logo


This framework simply consists of the files AppFoundation.swift and TestFoundation.swift which contain just a collection of @_exported import statements of frameworks I use in every new app.


Just add as a Swift package, referencing the main branch and let Xcode load all commonly used dependencies.

Then, simply import AppFoundation or TestFoundation in your app or test targets Swift files and you no longer need to import Foundation, SwiftUI, SwiftData, OSLog, and a couple of other frameworks to eliminate the need for repeated imports. This serves a very similar purpose like the import Foundation Apple adds to every new Swift file by default, which is why I named this after that.

You are free to reference this framework as-is in your app, but note that I tend to use the latest Swift tools version at all times and that I might be adding or replacing frameworks over time without notice. So you might prefer to fork it and adjust it to your needs instead. That's mostly why I made this public.


This library itself is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. For the licenses of the imported libraries, see their own LICENSE files. But I only use open-source libraries with a comparable LICENSE.


  • Swift Tools 5.8.0
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Last updated: Fri Oct 18 2024 10:52:16 GMT-0900 (Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time)